2016 Venue TROPHY/
26 February Weymouth GRS Trophy Matt March
25 March Rushmoor Park Members’ Cup Ian Spalding
29 April Windwhistle Whitbread Pairs Peter Cheeseman & Matt Cooper
27 May Paulton’s Park Ex-Landlord’s Cup Gordon Tucker
24 June Wareham Captain’s Cup Julian Flower
29 July Honiton Memorial Cup
Rob Acey
26 August Cumberwell Park Jim Corbin Cup Alan Green
30 September Dudsbury President’s Cup Harry Smith
28 October Sherborne Zoom Trophy Harry Smith

ROGS Season – 2016


27 members and 4 guests turned out at Sherborne Golf club to compete for the Zoom trophy sponsored by Roger Duncanson.

With conditions yet again ideal for good golf, all enjoyed the superb condition of this North Dorset golf club.

Sadly, for me this was to be my last event as ROGS captain, and I can definitely confirm that the season has been very enjoyable, not to mention great company, great golf and superb generosity following my extensive wallet emptying ploys all raising money for the captain’s charity.

Prizes were awarded as follows – NP on the 7th Charlie way, NP on the 15th Dean Merritt (missed the putt for a 2), NP in 2 on the 18th Julian Flower and nearest the line on the 5th going to Geoff Adams who landed his ball on the line!

Medals were presented to, in 3rd place on count back with 37 pts Dean Merritt, in 2nd place also with 37 pts Matt March and our winner with yet another score of 42 pts was Harry Smith and also in so doing managed to win the much coveted ROGS consistency trophy, well done Harry an impressive performance!!

I am also pleased to announce that Andy Kent was able to join us for dinner, to say a few words of thanks to the members for their donations to the captain’s charity, which this year was Asthma UK in memory of Ed Kent. My thanks go to Andy for attending in the evening, as it was an emotive thing for you carry out which you handled superbly. The total amount raised during the season was a staggering £2045.50, again many thanks to you all for your continued support and generosity.

All remains now is for me to thank all the people who contribute in making our society so good, Guy Storey for his secretarial skills, Geoff Adams for cutting everybody’s handicap, Julian Flower for his organisation of the summer and winter knockouts, Doug Marsh for his steadying influence as president and finally all of the members who have helped make every event so enjoyable.

I now hand the captaincy on to my Vice Mark Teed and wish him all the best for his season.

Next event 10th December 2016 Cup of Good Cheer at the Dorset Golf and Country Club ~ first tee at 10:04am.



27 members and one guest gathered at Dudsbury Golf Club to compete for the Presidents Cup.

Punctuality was always going to be a problem, with the ROGS Turkey revellers only returning from the rigours of the Autumn golf tour on the 29th September. I can report that the tour was a huge success with golf to match the Ryder cup standard, eventually after much partying the honours going to Graeme Price. It is rumoured that British delegates are due to start the discussions with their Turkish counterparts to enable the rebuilding of diplomatic relations!

Despite several showers the captains season of fine weather was upheld, with the sun finally appearing to ensure good conditions, add to this the excellent condition of the course, particularly the greens, good scoring was guaranteed.

The absence of our handicap secretary and the failing memory of Roger Johns, who having collected the score cards from Geoffrey managed to forget them, meant that the normally calm atmosphere prior to the first tee time was not in evidence.

Now to the main event, £28 of twos prizes were shared between Graeme Price, Brian Wiffen and Bob Way, unfortunately due to the misplacing of the nearest the pin information, i am unable to report the winners, this not helped by my own failing memory!

Winners on the day were in 3rd place Graeme Price with 37 pts on countback, 2nd place Mark Clapcott also with 37 pts and the winner with a fine 42 pts Harry Smith (our youngest member) Harry seemingly unaffected by the 2 weeks of golf sun bathing and partying in Turkey.

Now to the charity fund raising, a generous donation by my vice-captain, a par 3 competition, won by Harry Smith, fines and blobs saw the captain’s charity boosted by a further £200, thanks to all.

Staggeringly my captaincy season comes to an end with the Zoom trophy being contested at Sherborne Golf Club on the 28th October first tee 12.30 pm

See you there




August saw the ROGS travelling to Bradford On Avon, for the visit to Cumberwell Park Golf Club, another first for the ROGS.

This superb setting with 4 challenging 9 hole courses, excellent clubhouse and the development of a 9-hole par 3 course replicating the finest 9 par 3 holes around the world which is nearing completion, lead to a most enjoyable day aided by the magnificent weather.

26 members and 2 guests participated generally all scoring well with a large number of scores in the 30 plus region, this certainly aided by the benign conditions.

Refreshments were awarded to Dean Merritt NP on both the 4th and 16th holes (obviously playing with the captain employing his A game) NP in2 on the 7th won by daddy again Jamie Lake and Charlie Way comfortably winning the nearest the line.

The only down side of the visit, was having to attempt to out shout a noisy large group of Welsh golfers from Cardiff, this challenged our generally loud members with the ROGS coming a poor second in this affair.

The main prizes were awarded to Brett Standerwick in 3rd place with 38 pts (on countback) Dean Merritt 2nd also with 38 pts and in 1st place with a magnificent 42 pts was Alan Green, he with the fast diminishing handicap.

Yet more generosity saw the captain’s charity fund rise to just short of £1700, the challenge is now on to reach £2000 with just 2 games remaining! once again thanks to all.

Some of the more intrepid ROGS will travel to Turkey for the Autumn tour, this just after participating in the annual BRCC golf event at Wareham Golf Club (tough business this golf).

September 30th sees the ROGS travelling to Dudsbury Golf Club to play the Presidents cup, first tee 13.00 pm

See you there.




29th July saw the ROGS head west to Honiton, a first time visit for the ROGS.

Despite much frustration, due to the captain’s choice of venue in July, which led to hold ups resulting from heavy traffic, clearly some individuals not planning their journey particularly well!

Despite late arrivals, all 26 members and 2 guests got underway on schedule.

Honiton although short in yardage, presented plenty of problems with the heavily wooded areas, narrow, lush fairways and slow greens, most players struggled for consistency.

Prizes were awarded to Roger Johns NP on the 2nd, Geoff Adams NP on the 12th, Terry Peterson NP in 2 on the 8th and Graeme Price nearest the line on the 18th.

The best guest bottle of vino went to ex member John Spurdle, scoring a useful 30 pts off an 11 handicap.

The major awards in a generally low scoring affair, went to 1st Rob Acey with a fine 39 pts, 2nd Roger Johns with 34 pts (Roger making a late bid to win the consistency award) and 3rd place to the local star golfer Alan Green with 33 pts, all winners will of course suffer the ill fate of tumbling handicaps.

Following dinner, the now established fines court sat to make its judgements, Roger Johns sportingly donating £10 to the fund, for a number of fiscal irregularities? As before the ROGS generosity shone through with the captain’s charity swelling by a further £96.

The month of August (26th) sees another new venue for the ROGS with a trip to Cumberwell Golf Club near Bradford -Upon Avon first tee 13.00, please ensure you leave plenty of time for the journey being the bank holiday weekend!

See you there!


On the 7th August the highly talented cricket squad took on BRSC (packed with young cricketers) for the 14th annual cricket match and barbecue.

Superb weather, talented cricketers, and a good supply of refreshments, saw a tense match with the sports club running out winners by the margin of 13 runs, well done to all those taking part.

Special thanks go to Graeme Price, ROGS captain, Geoff Adams, Doug Marsh and Martin Debenham for their excellent cooking skills, and most important a huge thank you to my vice Mark Teed for the provision of excellent food and brilliant organisation.

Thanks also to BRSC for hosting the event, we will be looking to avenge our defeat next year !!!!!!


Superb weather, excellent course, 34 golfers and plenty of joviality, what better way for the captain to celebrate Captains Day?!

With the first tee for the mornings 3 club, 5-hole competition set for 11 am, the pressure was on to arrive on time, I am pleased to report that all participants met the challenge and proceedings got under way on schedule.

A number of players chose not to have a putter amongst there 3 club choice, leading to dubious putting and generally low scoring, the competition was won by Roger Duncanson (who did use a putter) with 11 pts, 2nd place going to my vice Mark Teed with 10 pts and 3rd place on countback to Alan Green. The best guest score going to Kris Meehan with 10 pts.

Following a healthy full English breakfast, the afternoon event started at 1.30 pm, with the wind strength increasing, playing off the white tees and speedier greens, scoring proved to be difficult with very few scores in the thirties and a number of embarrassingly low scores, one in particular from Matt March (Wareham member off 15 h/c) scoring 12 pts.

Other prizes went to Barry Watts NP on the 11th, NP on the 3rd proving to be too difficult with no winner, NP in 2 on the 14th going to Terry Peterson and nearest the line on the 12th to Bob Way. An extra prize of a number of cases of beer, awarded for being nearest the marker on the 10th hole going to Barry Watts who heroically donated some of his spoils to the fun bus.

Medals for the winners were awarded to 1st Julian Flower with 34 pts, 2nd Neil Middleditch 32 pts (on countback) and 3rd Jamie Lake 32 pts, well done to all particularly Julian playing off a handicap of 2……now off of a handicap of 1!

The best guest with 32 pts former ROGS member Rob Parry, there were also 2 twos both winning £17 each, Jamie Lake and Rob Parry, special praise to Rob his 2 coming on the par four 5th.

Yet more generosity from the ROGS and guests, saw the charity kitty increase by £156, many thanks to all.

Special thanks must also go to Roger Duncanson, travelling down from North Wales and Neill Middleditch who only returned from holiday a 6 am on the morning of the event (although it is rumoured that his wife having spent 7 days with him was quite pleased)

We now look forward to our next event on the 29th July at Honiton Golf Club, first tee 13.30 pm


27 members and 1 guest assembled on Friday June 16th for the 3-day extravaganza now recognised as the ROGS summer tour.

With an unsettled weather forecast the action kicked off at 12 pm on the Kernow course, followed on the Saturday with a round on the challenging Nicklaus course, well renowned for its ball consumption, as several ROGS members discovered. A final round on the Kernow course teeing off at 10.30 am on Sunday, concluded the tour, much revelry, drinking and merriment was enjoyed by all including a very tense finish.

Prizes were awarded as follows –


1st Paul Ebsworth 38 pts
2nd Graeme Price 37 pts
3rd Roger Johns 36 pts


1st Julian Flower 31 pts
2nd Mark Teed 28 pts (on countback)
3rd Dean Merritt 28 pts (on countback)


1st Matt Cooper 38 pts
2nd Martin Debenham 37 pts
3rd Dean Merritt 36 pts

Overall all winners for the combined weekend event were as follows –

1st Graeme Price 98 pts
2nd Dean Merritt 97 pts (on countback)
3rd Roger Johns 97 pts (on countback)

There was also an unprecedented 18 2’s scored over the 3 days……a fantastic achievement!

Well done to all the prize winners.

As ever the tour proved to be great fun, with a general level of excellent play on what were 2 extremely challenging golf courses.

The ROGS during a busy June now look forward to the Captain’s day at Wareham Golf Club on the 24th June 11.00 am start.



28 members and 2 guests turned out on a humid and hot day to compete for the ex-landlords’ cup.
Excellent playing conditions saw a series of high scores, leading to some serious handicap reductions for the winners.

Liquid refreshments were awarded as follows –

Nearest pin 8th ~ Captain
Nearest pin 10th ~ Rob Acey
Nearest pin in 2 18th ~ Julian Flower
Nearest the line 2nd ~ Graeme Price

Medals were presented to the winners with Gordon Tucker 1st scoring a magnificent 43 pts (leading to a 5 shot handicap reduction), the Captain 2nd scoring 41pts and in 3rd place Dean Merritt with 38pts.

The best guest score going to Tim Green with 41 pts.

Fines and blobs added a further £65 to the captain’s charity fund.

31 members travelled to the revamped and much improved Cricket St Thomas Golf Club to compete in the Whitbread pair’s event.

Despite a rather worrying weather forecast of rain and wind, we were once again lucky with any rain clearing prior to the midday kick off.

The now normal chaos ensued in sorting the draw for the pairs which took place over breakfast, with the captain at one stage convinced that 35 members were playing, however all eventually fell into place the only hiccup occurring with the late arrival of the Wareham duo Terry Peterson and Matt March, who fortunately were able to catch up with there playing partners.

It was also great to see Paul Ebsworth back playing for the first time this season following recent surgery, although it appears to have not improved his game or choice of football club.

The difficulty of understanding scores with both individual and pairs scores having to be recorded was dealt with diligently by the vice-captain and Sir Geoff, well done to both.

The medals for the winning pairs, were 3rd place Peter Foster and Martin Debenham with 40 pts, 2nd place Mark Clapcott and Neill Middleditch with 41 pts, 1st place The Captain and Matt Cooper with an inspired 43 pts.

Refreshments also went to Doug Marsh nearest the pin, Dean Merritt nearest the pin, Neill Middleditch nearest the pin in 2 and Bob Way nearest the line.

There were no twos, so the £31 kitty rolls over to the May event.

The now well established fines system saw the stand out fine of Gordon Tucker for on course use of a mobile phone, 30 of the 31 players didn’t even know that Gordon had a mobile, well done to the spies for spotting this moment of indiscretion.

Charity funds were well boosted with a further £100 being collected.

We now look forward to the 27th May when we visit Paultons Park Golf Club to compete for the Ex Landlords cup, first tee 1 pm.



Good Friday 25th March took the ROGS to Rushmore Golf Club famous for being located in 2 counties, 31 members and 4 guests turned out on a glorious spring day, blue skies a gentle breeze and perfect course conditions would surely lead to a bout of high scoring?

At around 10.30 (with the first tee scheduled for 11.00) the organisers started pacing nervously as the bus with a dozen members on board and the Peterson party had not arrived, considering the bus left Bere Regis at 8.15 no wonder we were concerned. However panic off they all arrived just in time as proceedings kicked off on schedule. Despite lots of mutterings about not having time for breakfast everybody seemed in good spirits and were looking forward to a sun kissed round of golf.

As expected good conditions saw good scores generally all round, the outstanding score came from the competition winner Ian Spalding (playing with the captain) with a magnificent 41 pts including several birdies, in second place with an impressive 40 pts saw the youngest ROGS member Harry Smith and coming in third was Gordon Tucker with a solid 37pts, Gordon already looking a strong candidate for the consistency award even though we are only 2 games in.

Tim Peterson took the best guest prize with a respectable 35 pts.

Other liquid awards went to Gordon Tucker nearest the pin on the 4th, Charlie Way nearest the marker on the 8th, Terry Peterson nearest the pin on the 14th and Tony Mills nearest the pin in 2 on the 16th. 4 twos were recorded, 2 for the rapidly slimming Dean Merritt, Graeme Price and Cambodia bound Russell French (4×4 export specialist!). The wooden spoon going to Steve Cox for compiling an impressive 23 pts.

Following a very decent steak pie for dinner we moved on to the fines levying section of the event , the stand out individuals fined were Peter Foster fined for not providing any solid reason to be fined and Graeme Price for an on course indiscretion not printable here.

Yet again the generosity of the ROGS came to the fore, with £96 being raised for the captain’s charity.

The final stages of the winter knock out have now been reached with the semi-final draw matching Alan Green with Roger Johns and Terry Peterson with Brian Wiffen. (3 Wareham Golf Club members in the semis!!!!)

With the season moving rapidly on the ROGS look forward to the next event at Windwhistle Golf Club on the 29th April first tee 12.30 pm even the speed limited fun bus should make that in good time !




19 members and 2 guests turned out at a thankfully much drier Weymouth Golf Club, kicking off the new season.

Not only was it dry we even had the joy of sunshine a rare event this winter.

Fortunately nobody got caught out by the 10.30 am start, although problems ensued with the start sheet following a disturbing number of members dropping out. None the less play got under way on time, with the captain opening the new season with a drive travelling no more than 10 yards sadly a forerunner to a poor round

With conditions that were still difficult, surprisingly firm and quick greens led to a large amount of scores in the twenties, a clear illustration that many in the field were out of form following the winter break.

Chris Gibbs one of our guests, took the wooden spoon home thanks to amassing a total of 19 points. With high flyers such as Julian Flower, Harry Smith and, Terry Peterson all failing to score more than 22 points, it meant that the competition was wide open for a surprise winner.

Eventually it was left to Matt March making his debut as a ROGS member to take the Gold medal with a competent 37 points including a birdie on the tricky 17th, this pipped the magnificent 36 points put together by the ROGS transport manager Russell French, taking 3rd place with 32 points was our President Doug Marsh just edging out Bob way on a 9 back nine count back.

Nearest the pin refreshments went to Doug Marsh, Terry Vatter (guest) and Julian Flower and the now much acclaimed nearest the line going to the captain.

I am also pleased to report that yet again the generosity of the members saw £80.50 being raised for the captain’s charity via the usual blob fund and the newly introduced fines system for which no appeals are granted, thanks to all.

We now look forward to our next event at Rushmore Golf Club on the 25th March 11 am first tee.
