Draft Minutes of the 2022 AGM

Minutes of BRSC AGM: 

 Thursday 17th November 2022, 7:30pm


  1.   Attendance
Andy Kent, Terrence Swann, Peter Cheeseman, Alan Green, Sam Munnings, Mike Bosworth, Keith Traynor, Sara Dellou, Mark Bennett ,Tom Bennett, Dean Rogerson,  Ryan Brown  Adrian Moore, Mel Miles, Paul Clarke, Jan Nurrish, Keith Nurrish, Steve McEleney

Meeting was not quorate as only 12 attendees but agreed to continue with the meeting.

  • Minutes of last AGM, 22nd November 2021

These were proposed by Sam Munnings. Seconded by Mark Bennett

  • Matters Arising 

None were raised. 

  • Trustee’s Annual Report  

This was made available via a link to the club website. No matters raised.  

  • Chairman’s Annual Report 

This was made available via a link to the club website.  No matters raised.

  • Bar Treasurer’s Accounts and Report 

These were made available via a link to the club website. 

Current Assets – cash and stock £4,848

Fixed Assets – No additions to the to the fixed assets, just depreciation of existing assets shown.

Income – Considerably more than 2021. However, no meaningful comparison with 2021 due to impacts of Covid in that year.

Gross profit – £24,718 (58.4%)


Matters of note

– repairs and maintenance main item was decoration of clubhouse.

– Lighting and heating costs have increased. Going to be higher going forward.   

Transfers to field account have reduced in recent months due to increase costs and associated reduction in profit. This is likely to be the position going forward.

There were no further questions or comments raised and therefore the accounts were duly adopted. Terrance Swann proposed adoption. Dean Rogerson seconded. 12 agreed to adoption. No abstentions.

  • Field Treasurer’s Accounts and Report 

These were made available via a link to the club website.

Income – decrease from 2020/21 due to reduction in rent received from the bar account.

Expenditure – decrease from 2020/21 but 2020/21 included payment for land. Insurance increased and likely to continue. Very non-competitive market as limited providers. Includes all liabilities in one policy.  

Surplus – £7,551. Surplus likely to be reduced going forward due to likely reduced rent from the bar account.

Assets – £89,913. Capital spread across various bank and savings accounts

Questions raised

  • electricity at zero as now all through bar account.
    • Golf income and expenditure does not line up due to income and expenditure spread across two financial years. The event on 2022 provided a circa £1,100 profit.
    • Cricket expenditure queried. PC to check figures

There were no further questions or comments raised and therefore the accounts were duly adopted. Mike Bosworth proposed adoption. Tom Bennett seconded. 12 agreed to adoption. No abstentions

  • Proposed changes to the club rules/constitution 

No proposed changes.

  • Election of Officers and Committee 

The following nominations were received and seconded: There were no nominations for people other than those named below, therefore all were duly elected unopposed. 

President – No nominations were received so the trustees and management committee will give the matter ongoing consideration. 

Chair – Andy Kent Proposed by Alan Green and seconded by Peter Cheeseman 
Vice-chair – Herbie Swann Proposed by Alan Green and seconded by Peter Cheeseman 
Secretary – Sam Munnings Proposed by Alan Green and seconded by Peter Cheeseman
Field Treasurer – Peter Cheeseman Proposed by Alan Green and seconded by Sam Munnings 
Bar Treasurer – Alan Green Proposed by Peter Cheeseman and seconded by Sam Munnings

Membership Secretary – Paul Clarke Proposed by Peter Cheeseman and seconded by Alan Green 

Ryan Brown nominated to join the committee.

  1. Any Other Business – No items were submitted. 

MB raised lack of attendance to committee meeting and AGM. Suggested two members of each sports committee should be on the committee and at least one to attend meetings.

Meeting closed at 8:24pm

Signed ______________________________  Chairman 

Signed _______________________________ Secretary