2014 Venue TROPHY/
28th February Came DownGRS Trophy Brett Standerwick
28th March Canford Magna Whitbread Pairs Julian Flower and Roger Duncanson 
25th April Dibden Member’s Challenge Game rained off
30th May Hamptworth ROGS Memorial Trophy  Ian Spalding
13 – 16th JuneCottesmoreMini TourMartin Debenham
27th June Woodbury Captain’s Cup
Titch White
25th July Yeovil
Ex Landlord’s Cup
Peter Cheeseman
29th Aug Meyrick Park Jim Corbin CupTim Porter
18 – 25th SeptemberTurkeyOverseas TourJulian Flower
26th Sept Salisbury South Wilt President’s CupRoger Duncanson
31st October Weymouth Zoom TrophyMartin Debenham
13th DecemberDorset Golf and Country Club Christmas Cup of Good CheerBrett Standerwick

R O G S Cup of Good Cheer and Presentation Dinner  Saturday 13th December 2014

Twenty one R O G S and six Guests took to the fairways at the Dorset Golf and Country Club to contest the annual competitions of The Cup of Good Cheer and the Captain v President Challenge.

The day started with a mild frost that quickly lifted and turned into a super bright sunny winter day.As these are the first events of the New Captains year I am hoping this is a good weather omen for the coming golfing season.

There were some very good scores returned as results show:-

Brett (The Ear) Standerwick 39pts  1st place
Julian(Howlin Mad) Flower   38pts   2nd place
Peter(Magnum P.I.) Foster.  35pts   3rd place

The Best Guest score was Harry(The Bandit) Smith with 43 pts.Harry is a Junior member at Ashley Wood golf club whose handicap is tumbling swiftly with each competition played.

The Captain v President challenge began with all players being divided into two teams,players being picked by the Captain and Vice Captain Peter Cheeseman who was leading the Presidents team.The aggregate scores were totalled at the end of play with the Captains team running out winners with 387 points to the Presidents teams 380,a very close result.

The days golf was followed in the evening with the Presentation Dinner in the Restaurant at the clubhouse,this always a lively and enjoyable evening in the company of Society Members and their guests.

A raffle was held with prizes kindly donated by Society Members and courtesy rounds of golf donated by Golf Clubs in support of the Society.A substantial sum was raised to go to my chosen charities The M S Society and Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research,and I would like to thank everyone for their fantastic support.

The seasons presentations were made to the following winners:-

Cup of Good Cheer 2013   Julian Flower
Winter K.O.  Doug. Marsh
Summer K.O. Terry Peterson
Summer Tour@Cottesmore Park  Martin Debenham
Autumn Tour @ Belek  Turkey     Julian Flower
G.R.S.Trophy   Brett Standerwick
Whitbread Pairs  Roger Duncanson and Julian Flower
Memorial Trophy  Ian Spalding
Captains Cup    Richard White
Ex Landlords Cup  Peter Cheeseman
Jim Corbin Cup    Tim Porter
Presidents Cup  Roger Duncanson
Zoom Trophy   Martin Debenham
Highest Score Trophy  Peter Cheeseman
Most Improved Player   Terry Peterson
Players Player    Dean Merritt
Consistency Trophy  Dean Merritt

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all members of the R.O.G.S. a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
Doug Marsh

The Zoom Trophy – Friday 31st October

A sunny Autumn day at Weymouth Golf was the scene of the Captains last outing.  

31 ROGS and 6 guests battled for the Zoom Trophy and the Captain had the pleasure of the company of the Sponsor, Mr Roger Duncanson and the Consistency Cup leader Mr Julian Flower.

Things didn’t start well for the Captain as he hooked his ball into the houses off the first, however Julian his a monster (on to the wrong fairway) and Roger put one down the middle to settle his nerves.

Julian played a solid game with some monster drives and great putting, he also took the prize for the Longest Drive with a huge hit on the 9th hole. 

The sponsor kindly provided a prize for a putting contest which proved very tight throughout the day but the eventual victor was Julian Flower with 29 puts (although it was a close call between Julian and the Captain up until the 16th when the Captains magic wand ran out of juice).

5 players had a 2 and shared the spoils and the winner on the day with an excellent score of 38 points was the Noise Mr Martin Debenham. 

Dean Merritt came a tight second and consequently stole the Consistency Trophy from Julian’s tight grasp by less than a whole point.

That concludes the Captains year, I’ve had an excellent year and would like to thank the committee and the members for their help and support throughout the year.  I also wish my Vice, Doug Marsh good luck on his Captains year in 2015.

The Presidents Cup

On Friday 26th September 27 ROGS and 3 guests enjoyed the undulating fairways of Salisbury and South West Wilts to earn the prestigious prize of the Presidents Cup.  The weather looked iffy on the way to the course but the Captain was, again, lucky and we enjoyed near perfect golf conditions.

The Captain tee’d off with the sponsor, Roger ‘Helmet’ Johns and his travel companion Dean ‘Tiny’ Merritt. It seemed that the late night travelling and the early start for the Ryder Cup had taken its toll on the Captain as he blobbed the first two holes.  Tiny on the other hand seemed to be relishing the lack of sleep and was on an early charge with the Helmet steady as always.  After the first few the Captain treated his companions to a lesson in driving the golf ball and his companions treated him to a lesson in the short game.  In a team game we would of probably done quite well.

The winner on the day, playing off of 28, with a score of 39 points was Roger Duncanson, 2nd place with a score of 38 was Bazza Watts and coming up the rear with 37 points was Terry Peterson.

For the record there is a new big hitter in town!!!  Taking the spoils for the longest drive, for the second time in ROGS history, was Russell French.

All in all it was another great ROGS outing at a superb course in perfect weather.  Next up is Weymouth for the Zoom trophy and the Captains last stand.

The Jim Corbin Cup

29th August 2014, 27 ROGS went to battle to be the victor of the Jim Corbin Cup at the tight, treelined, test of golf that is Meyrick Park Golfclub.

The Captain had the pleasure of the company of Neil Middleditch and the sponsor Jim Corbin. The first hole, one of the hardest opening holes in golf, was a statement from the course of how difficult the day would be.  My two playing partners in the trees on the right, the Captain 50 yards short of the green.  As we called up the group behind it didn’t seem any easier as Graham Price snap hooked two into the trees on the left.

The Captain had a magic ball for the first eleven holes that, no matter how hard he tried, could not be lost.  It didn’t see a fairway up until its final flight on the eleventh where the magic finally ran out.

The ‘Worm’ Simon Scott had a partially bad round losing around 15 shinny new Pinacle balls on the first nine and achieving a front nine score of 3 points.  In true pre Turkey fashion the usual suspects all came in with particularly poor scores (myself included) although I blame the noise of the low flying planes from the Bournemouth Airshow whom treated us to an upclose (and very noisy) show during the round. 

 The winner on the day was Tim Porter with a great score of 35 points. NP in 2 was Peter Foster, NP on the 8th was Jim Corbin, NP on the 10th was Paul Ebsworth and longest drive on the 14th went to Tim Porter.

All in all another great outing and I look forward to seeing everyone in September at Salisbury.

The captain

Ex Landlords Cup @ Yeovil Golf Club 25th July 2014

The last Friday in July saw 27 ROGS members and 3 guests take to the fairways of the superbly presented course at Yeovil.The weather was very hot and copious amounts of sun screen was applied by those of us who are follicly challenged.Regardless of the temperature some players were still brought out in a cold sweat by the quality(or lack of it ) of some shots played!!!

Mark Teed won the bragging rights for the longest drive,something he made sure to remind the usual contenders of in the clubhouse afterwards.

Peter Foster won the nearest to pin in 2 with a superb shot,well played Pete !!!

The nearest to the pin prizes were won by The Arm(Jim Corbin) and Mark Teed respectively, although neither of them managed to convert their “Tshots into a 2. On the very tricky 3rd green Jim’s attempt left him with a longer putt to make 3 than his first try for 2 (unlucky)!!! So the 2’s kitty was carried forward to the next meeting.

The scoring on the day was very good with 20 players scoring 30 or more points.
Three ROGS achieved 39 points which led to a protracted countback (best back 9,back6, back3) to determine the result:-   

1st.   Peter Cheeseman
 2nd. Dean Merritt
 3rd.  Doug.Marsh

Well played guys’

The best guest prize was won by Harry Smith with a great score of 41 points.
Harry is Merricks son and a junior member at Ashley Wood Golf Club and like many juniors is making great leaps in reducing his handicap as his ability improves (He will probably see his handicap reduce by around 8 shots from 25 to 17 or 18 by the end of the season). Well played to everyone,and look forward to next months meeting at Meyrick Park.

Vice Capt. Doug.Marsh

Captains Day

The day started with the usual promise of another wet day for the 2014 Captain, however 28 ROGS and 1 guest made the 120 mile round trip to Woodbury Park with umbrellas and waterproofs at the ready.  However as the Captain tee’d off on the first hole the clouds parted and we were blessed with a glorious June day.  The course played long but was fair and the greens were in great condition. The scores were slightly lower than normal proving the calibre of the course.

Unfortunately the recent first time winner (Mr Russel French day 2 of the summer tour) had a temporary drop in recent form propping up up the rear with 13 points.  We had a temporary winner with 35 points, John Beasley but he was rellegated to 2nd on count back with 34 when he realised the handicap on his card didn’t match his new club handicap (unlucky John). 

Winner on the day with 34 points was Titch White.

Martin (the noise) Debenham scored an eagle on the 10th hole par 4, Doug (the Vice) Marsh birdied the tough 2nd hole par 5 and Julian (The Hook) Flower enforced his place as ROGS long ball champion taking the longest drive on the 8th (narrowly beating Matt Cooper).

Nearest the pin on the magnificent 18th Hole (118 yards across water) was Brett Standerwick, many other ROGS suffered murky depths of this great finishing hole. All reports back from the members suggests that Woodbury Park is a definite favourite of the ROGS and I would like to thank everyone for their attendance and support on the day (the blobs charity did rather well). See you all at Yeovil in July.

The Captain.

Mini Tour

28 ROGS enjoyed the delights of Cottesmore Golf and Country Club.The main course was a great test, water, trees ,doglegs and slick tricky greens.  We were blessed by good weather and added bonus of World Cup football in the evenings.

The master of 3 day golf came out on top once again, (The Noise) Martin Debenham with a total score of 94, last years bridesmaid was in his frilly dress again as Tim Porter came a close second with Dean Merritt chasing hard up his rear in 3rd.

Many congratulations to Martin.

A couple of incidents worth mentioning from the weekend away:-

Russell French’s first ROGs victory came on day 2 as the course got tricky and the usual suspects started to fall away with fatigue, the maestro played a great round and came in with a winning score of 31, narrowly taking the star prize from Bazza Watts on countback.

The Captain just missed a K/O on the beautiful Bridesmaids that had arrived for the evening wedding.  Picture the scene, the Captain marching up the 18th hole after another crushing drive, the bridesmaids 50yards over the back of the green, the Captain with about 200yards to go, draws his 5 wood and smashes it at the green.  The ROGS watching in delight as the ball clears the green, the rough and the patio behind it to land in the centre of the group of Bridesmades awaiting the Bride. Oops

Results of the weekend are listed below:-

1st   Brian Wiffen   35 points
2nd  Geoff Adams  32 points
3rd   Dean Merritt   32 points on countback.
NP    Jamie and Mark
NP in 2  BJ  and Ian

1st  Russell French  31 points
2nd Barry Watts  31 points on countback
3rd Julian Flower 31 points on countback
NP   Dean and Mark
NP in 2   Tim    (No one managed the 6th)

1st Martin Debenham   34 points
2nd Tim Porter on countback  34 points
3rd  Jim Corbin on 32 points
NP  Charlie and Tim
NP  in 2  Julian and Ian

A great time ws had by all involved and I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Bobba White for the work he puts in to creating this great event every year.

ROGS Memorial Trophy

26 ROGS enjoyed the ups and downs of Hamptworth Golf and Country Club. A very difficult test of golf, ball above your feet, ball below your feet, downhill lie, uphill lie, water on several holes; who says golf is an easy game. Well one ROG made it look easy and scored 37 points.  Our congratulations to Ian Spalding. Second was Roger Johns with 34 and third on countback was Mark Teed.

The Captain had the pleasure on the day of the company of Graham Price and Russell French, Graham had 3 shots on the first before he made it past the ladies tee. Frenchi, although starting strong, normal service resumed from the 10th onwards where he put his second shot into the side of a cliff within the New Forest Jungle, he then proceeded to hack away for 6 shots like a drunken fossil hunter on the verge of uncovering a perfectly preserved Tyrannosaurus Rex.

A good day was had by all and the weather was kind once again, below are the results of the smaller prizes.

NP on the 8th  Charlie way
NP on the 10th Julian Flower
NP in 2 on the 12th Julian Flower
LD on the 16th Julian Flower

The Captain

Members’ Challenge

Game cancelled.

Whitbread Pairs

29 ROGS enjoyed the delights of Canford Magna Golf Parkland  Course all battling to win the coveted Whitbread Pairs trophy.

Coming out on top was Julian Flower and Roger Duncanson with a very impressive 44 points.
Well done to Julian and Roger who will now lose a shot each. Julian off 4 and Dunco off 27

Other scores of the day were:-
40  Gordy Tucker and Brett Standerwick
39   Charlie Way and Dean Merrit (Dean couldn’t keep Charlies winning streak going)
39  Russel French and Shaun Brady
38   Paul Keeping  and Tim Porter
38   Graeme Price and Ian Spalding
37   Merrick Smith and Pete Cheeseman
37   Steve Cox and Roger Johns
36   Terry Peterson and Bazza Watts
36   Midlo and Matt
36   Brian Wiffin and Vice Captain
34   Guy Storey and John Beasley
34   Russel White and Mark Tead
31   Captain and Russel White
30   Brian Jones  and Geoff Adams

NP  on the 5th  Charlie Way
NP  on the 16th  Mark Teed (very good shot indeed)
NP in 2  on the 11th   Julian Flower
LD on the 9th  Shaun Brady

There were three 2’s  on the day winning almost £10 each (again the mysterious Euros turned up in the kitty)  Mark Teed,  Julian Flower  and Ian Spalding.

Bobber was included in two matches as random partner for the Captain which was drawn before the game.  Next fixture is at Dibden Purley on the 25th April, I, unfortunately cannot be there as I will be in Florida but I leave my Empire in the capable hands of the VC Mr Douglas Marsh.  Good luck everyone and I’ll see you all in May.

The Captain. x

GRS Trophy – Came Down

The first game of the 2014 season saw 28 ROGS and one guest brave the weather and tackle the hilly slopes of Camedown Golf Club.  Several of the members reported frostbite, chilblains, hypothermia and wind chill.  Despite the very cold and windy  conditions there were some good scores and coming out on top was 

Brett Standerwick with 37 points 
Second on countback was Peter Cheeseman and
third was Matt Cooper. Both had 35 points.

Nearest the pin on the 2nd was Tim Porter 
Nearest the pin on the 12th  was Matt Cooper 
Nearest the pin in 2 on the 17th was Shaun Brady 
Longest drive  was Matt Cooper
There were 5 twos. Julian Flower, Geoff Adams, Matt Cooper, John Beasley
and Roger Johns.
Our Guest Frank Smith had 31 points.

Many thanks to Guy who switched from Broadstone (which was closed on Friday) to Camedown.

Jamie has promised to make our next event a little warmer.