Bere Regis CC (Junior Section) Photograph/video policy

Club officials will only ever take photographs or videos of youth players for one of the following purposes:

For coaching/training purposes to help with a players skill development. In such cases the material will be deleted at the request of the child, the parent/carer, or when no longer relevant for coaching purposes.

For publication on the club website or on club social media (Team pictures for example). For youth team pictures or individual pictures of youth players in these circumstances the player’s full name will never be posted with the picture/video without the express consent from you to do so.

In all circumstances, photographs/videos will only be taken of individuals appropriately dressed and while undertaking cricket activity.

N.B. Most of our matches and all training takes place on publicly accessable land and therefore the club have no right to prevent anyone from taking photographs/videos of anyone at any time as long as such photographs/videos do not show individuals in a state of undress or in indecent activity.

Parents are not prevented from taking pictures or recording video footage of their own children, but must seek the permission of parents/carers of any other child.

Parents must not post pictures of children, other than their own, on any website or social media site, without the express permission of the other child(ren)’s parent/carer.

Once consent is given a team official can ‘pass on’ that consent by proxy to opposition team officials on the understanding that the principles of this document are adhered to. If consent has not been granted for any individual that fact will be passed on to the opposition official.

Any child who is concerned about the taking of pictures/video during any cricket activity should immediately report that concern to any of the match/tournament officials.

Any concerns about inappropriate taking of or use of photographs or video footage should be reported to the Club Safeguarding Officer.