Friday 24th FebruaryJCabs TrophyEast Dorset  Golf ClubGraeme Price
Friday 31st March    GRS Trophy   Long SuttonBobber White
Friday 28th April   Jim Corbin Cup   Queens ParkGraeme Price and Rob Parry
Friday 26th May   Whitbread Shield   AxecliffMike Crisford
Friday 30th June   Captain’s Cup   Dunwood ManorMike Parsons 
Friday 28th July   Landlord’s Cup   Isle of Purbeck Greame Price
Friday 25th August   President’s Cup   Meon Valley Shaun Brady 
Friday 29th September   Rob Hall Trophy   Canford MagnaMartin Debenhan
Friday 27th October   Zoom Trophy   Lyme RegisRoger Duncanson

Christmas Cup of Good Cheer 

Bulbury Woods Golf Club – Saturday 9th. December 2006

After almost two weeks of continual gale force winds and torrential rain, the majority of people were of the opinion that we would be very lucky to play our annual Christmas golf game at Bulbury Woods.  Especially as the course had been shut for a number of days during the past fortnight due to the ground being saturated.

As it was my first event in the new role of Captain of ROGS, I was particularly concerned as in previous years we had enjoyed good fortune with the weather and I was wondering if our luck was about to run out.  But no!  Good luck was with us and on the day there was not a cloud in the sky and you would not believe how well the course at Bulbury played.

With 36 players, including 4 guests, the President’s Team (Russell French), was playing the Captain’s Team in a Ryder Cup format as well as an individual Stableford.

The Nearest the Pin on the 6th., par 3 was won by Shane Mooney,
the Nearest the Pin on the 12th., was won by Roger Johns and
the Longest Drive on the 15th., was won by Simon Scott.

Guy Storey and Graeme Price sponsored these prizes and I am sure we have not heard the last of ‘Simon’s Drive’.

Our four guests were, Rod Anken, Rob Debenham (brother of our Vice), Tim Porter and Arthur Soar. The winning guest was Rob Debenham with 36 points.

There was £63 in the Two’s Kitty and this was shared between Mike Parsons who had a 2 on the 6th., par 3, Dave Rushton who also a 2 on the 6th., par 3 and John Ruskin who had a 2 on the 18th., which was a PAR 4 ( his drive went through the temporary green and he chipped in for a 2).

The overall winner of the Christmas Cup of Good Cheer was Mike Crisford with 41 points, second was Graeme Price on 39 points and third, Russell White with 38 points. Mark Crocker who has not played for some time came in 4th with 37 points.

Member’s revised handicaps will be published on our ROGS’ Members website www.societygolfing.co.uk,  log in as royaloak with the password bereregis.

The presentation evening was held at Bulbury Woods with 64 members and guests who enjoyed a good meal and excellent service.  Shane Mooney excelled himself as our Musical Maestro for the presentation and the disco that followed.

The majority of our winners throughout the season are published monthly as the events take place but there are a few awards that are only given out once a year at the Annual Presentation Evening and these are as follows.

The Most Improved Player Award 2006 went to Russell French.
The Highest Score Award went to Graeme Price with 48 points at East Dorset.
The Ebsworth Builders Matchplay Shield 2005/6 was won by Julian Flower.
The Shaun Brady Knockout Cup was won by Mike Crisford.

Farewell From Captain French

Finally just a few thank yous before I hand over the Captaincy to Roger Duncanson and the 2007
season.I hope all members have enjoyed another great season,this would not have not been
possible without the help,organisation and work put in by the key members.My thanks go to
Guy Storey for his continued excellent efforts as Secretary and for organising the Spanish Tour.
Russell White for producing a fantastic job in the Treasurer’s role and the organisation of our
Summer Tour to China Fleet.Paul Ebsworth for his efforts as handicap secretary,Martin Debenham
for organising the Sponsors prizes during the season.The President Greame Price for his guidance
and experience from being a past Captain.The Committee for there continued support and
finally to Roger Duncanson for his help and work as my Vice Captain to ensure the season ran

I look forward to seeing all of you plus any other guests who wish to attend our Presentation
Evening at Bulbury Golf Club on 9th December.

Captain French


The Rogs played their last game under the Captaincy of Mr. Russell French for the 2006 season. The Rogs were playing for the Zoom Trophy at the wonderful location of Lyme Regis.All week furtive eyes were on the weather forecast which did promise some wind and rain but they do say that God looks down on the righteous and he did so on this particular Friday.The weather was perfect for golf and views of the Jurrasic coast back to Golden Cap at Eype and Portland beyond were spectacular.You never forget the views at Lyme.The game was going to be keenly contested with 24 Rogs members and 5 Guests.John Spurdle and Graeme Price both turned up with new clubs. Mike Crisford brought along Rob Acey and the Landlord of the Blue Vinney in Puddletown, Mark Teed.Shane Mooney brought his brother, Andre and John Smith came as Robbie Halls guest.Chris Sumner made his 2nd. appearance as a guest at Rogs

.We started play on the 10th. tee at 12noon and with an additional 8 prizes there was something for everyone to play for. Nearest the pin on the 11th. par 3 was Geoff Adams who won a golf umbrella. Nearest the pin on the 13th.par 3 was Guy Storey who won a Putter.(he needed a new putter because he missed a very short putt for a birdie) Nearest the pin on the 3rd. was John (new clubs remember) Spurdle who won a golf umbrella. Nearest the pin on the 8th. was John Ruskin who also won a golf umbrella. Nearest the pin in two on the 18th.was Tom Crabtree who won a golf jacket. Nearest the pin in two on the 9th. was John Ruskin who won a golf shoe bag. The longest drive on the 16th. index 2 along the cliff edge was Shaun Brady with a monster hit. He won a golf jacket. The winning guest was Mark Teed with 32 points and he won three Titleist golf balls with the ROYAL OAK logo imprinted which he said he would proudly display in his Blue Vinney pub.

The result of the game were as follows, In 4th. place on a card play off with 39 points was Julian Flower. In third and winner of the Bronze medal was Rob Parry with 39 points. In second and winner of the Silver medal was Mike Crisford. The overall winner of the Zoom Trophy and winner of the Gold medal was Roger Duncanson with 42 points.

After an excellent dinner and presentation by our outgoing Captain the draw for the first round of the Paul Ebsworth Shield was held.

First round draw of the Paul Ebsworth Shield

Due to the high numbers of players in the draw we had to draw out 5 threeballs first and 11 pairs.The threeball will play at a venue chosen by the first player drawn out and they will score Stableford.Only the winner goes through to the next round.In the event of a tie then the back three are to be counted and so on.If only two players turn up for the match then the format is match play.The person drawn out first should organise the match and should at least give two or three dates for the game. If a date cannot be arranged then you should contact Jim Corbin who as comp. sec. will adjudicate. his decision is final.To arrive at the match play difference between two players then you take the difference between both handicaps and three quarters of this difference is the number of shots you or your opponent receive.i.e.a=27 b=23 difference 4. three quarters of 4 is 3. therefore the 27 handicapper gets shots on index holes 1,2 and 3.

All matches to be played and completed by the end of NOVEMBER 2006.  Ring the Comp Sec with your result.The draw is as follows.

Russell French v John Spurdle v Alan Lambert
 John Ruskin v Titch White v Julian Flower
 Jamie Lake v John Pitts v Robbie Hall
Paul Ebsworth v Brian Jones v Rob Smith
 Jim Corbin v Graeme Price v Mike Crisford
 The matchplay pairs
.Guy Storey v Mike Parker
 Martin Debenham v Russell White
 Shaun Brady v Roger Johns
 Pete Cheeseman v Roger Duncanson
Shane Mooney v Mike brown
 Geoff Adams v Tom Crabtree
 Simon Scott v Rob Parry
 Dean Merritt v Brian Wiffen
 Keith Nurrish v Mike Speer
 Dave Rushton v Gordy Tucker
Brett Standerwick v Ali Hewitt


This year we visited the Almeria region of Spain and stayed in the Hotel Vallle del  Este near Mojacar. Twenty one of us went altogether with eleven golfers and we played Valle del Este twice and Desert Springs also twice. We flew from Southampton on Sunday 8th October and played our first competition at Valle del Este on Monday, which was for the French Open Trophy. This was won by Martin Debenham on 35 points, with Rob Parry in second place on 29 points.

The next day we played at Desert Springs for the Bantry Bay Tray. This course is designed on the same basis as its namesake in Arizona. Fairways like carpets, slick fast greens and lingering scorpions and snakes. Enough hazards to make for an interesting round of golf. John Pitts won the day with 32 points, with Russell White second on 29 points and Martin Debenham third with 29 points. John Pitt had won nearest the pin on the first day but three more par threes and no one hod made the greens on these next three difficult holes.
Russell White knocked his ball into one of the villa’s gardens that lined the fairways. He looked through the fence and saw his ball and as the villa appeared empty, he went in to retrieve his precious bail (we have a competition for how many balls we lose over the four days). Rob Parry gave a very convincing dog bark and you should have seen our Russell jump – great merriment.

Our next game was at Valle del Este again, playing for the Middleton Cup. No one could match the scores of our first round and Russell White was the winner with 28 points. Jim Corbin came second with 26 points and Martin Debenham took third place with 26 points. Robbie Hall won nearest the pin on the 6th and Graeme Price won on the 12th. Keith Nurrish won the ‘twos’ on this day which was worth €66, tax free.

The final game for the Fota Island Pint was played at Desert Springs and the scoring was getting worse. Three players came in with 26 points and on a card count back, Robbie Hall was first with Tich White in 2nd place and Shaun Brady in third. Jim Corbin won the nearest the pin on the 12th and Rob Parry won on the 14th.
The Tourist Trophy for the highest points over four rounds went to Martin Debenham – 114 points, Russell White was second with 105 points and Rob Parry was third with 101 points.

Another good tour – our seventh abroad – and many thanks as always to our organiser – Guy Storey.

Roger – Vice



The ROGS September fixture took place at Canford Magna Golf Club,where a fantastic turnout of 30 ROGS members and two guests gathered to contest The Rob Hall Hackers Trophy.

The ROGS were greeted by a revamped bar and clubhouse, and a course in truely excellent condition,this indeed was going to be an excellent day for all.As the ROGS set off for the days play,the blue skies disappeared and heavens opened,but this was not to dampen the ROGS spirit.A enjoyable and competitive  round was had by all,followed by the days presentation in the club house.A special mention to Simon Scott for shear determination in true ROGS spirit for finishing the course after breaking a finger on the 8th hole.


First time ever for the ROGS a card playoff for the first three all with 38 points

1st       Martin Debenhan
2nd     Pete Cheeseman
3rd      Jim Corbin

Longest Drive 18th Hole           John Ruskin

Nearest Pin 8th Hole                 Dean Merrit

Nearest Pin 16th Hole               Jamie Lake

Nearest Pin in two 2nd Hole     Julian Flower

The two’s money was shared by five ROGS members, who then to decide the winner 
had a game of sudden death spoof in the bar and the winner was;     Julian Flower

Next month the ROGS are travelling in a westerly direction along the coast to Lyme Regis Golf Club to contest The Zoom Trophy.

Captain French



The Marriot Hotel and Country Club was the setting for the ROGS latest outing,although situated in deepest Hampshire most of the ROGS managed to arrive within the hour from leaving the Regis(or those with sat-nav).
A pre golf bacon bap and beverage alfresco in glorious sunshine gave the ROGS the feeling of more Costa-del-sol than mainland England,all the ROGS were missing was the sangria!

Fine weather enabled ROGS to enjoy breathtaking views across the Solent while contesting The Presidents Cup,tradionally a hard fought match and today was not to any exception.
Superb play from the ROGS made a most enjoable day for all,a day certain to be remebered by the ROGS for many a time to come.

A glorious meal in the clubhouse was served while the ROGS members remimissed about the days play,the usual tales of ‘if only’ and ‘the one that got away’,echoed during the meal,followed by the presentation of the days prizes,presented by the Captain and the President Greame Price.

The Results

1st    Shaun Brady    40 pts
2nd   Roger Johns   33 pts (won on a card playoff)
3rd    Robbie Hall     33 pts

Nearest the pin 7th                 Alan Lambert
Nearest the pin 12th               Dean Merritt
Nearest the pin in two 17th    Greame Price
Longest Drive 8th                   Paul Ebsworth
Two’s Money £24                   Dean Merritt

Next month takes the ROGS the short distance to Canford Magna Golf Club to contest The Rob Hall Hackers Trophy.

Captain French



The July fixture saw the ROGS members travel the short distance to The Isle of Purbeck Golf Club to contest the Landlords Cup.

A great turnout of  26 members guaranteed a competitive days golf on this course familiar to most of the ROGS members.

A blistering hot day took its toll on even the most hardened of ROGS members,but despite this a few good cards were handed in at the end of the days golf.

Back in the clubhouse with stunning views over Poole Harbour,a superb meal was had by all, followed by the Presentation of The Landlords Cup and the days other prizes which included for the winner a nice bottle of Bubbly donated by The Landlord of the Royal Oak,Mike Parsons.


1st Greame Price     36 points
2nd John Ruskin       36 points (lost to Greame on a card playoff)
3rd Geoff Adams      33 points

Longest drive         14th hole  John Ruskin
Nearest Pin             9th   hole  John Ruskin
Nearest Pin             15th hole  Russell White
Nearest Pin in two  18th Hole Mike Brown

Many Thanks for the sponsors of the day, Mike Parsons, Landlord of the Royal Oak and Mike Crissford for nearest pin in two prize.

Next Month the August Fixture is at Meon Valley, near Southampton where the ROGS will be contesting the Presidents Cup.

Captain French

Rogs on tour 2006

China Fleet Golf Club Tamar Estuary 14th – 16th July


Martin Debenham started off well on the first round winning the longest drive on the 2nd.hole.
Nearest the pin on the 5th. was our organiser for the weekend and he is also our treasurer,Russell (Bobber) White.

Nearest the Pin in 2 on the 10th. par 4 was John Ruskin (now referred to as Cheeky after getting clobbered in the face by a golf ball courtesy of Keith Nurrish). Nearest the pin on the 15th. was John Pitt.
The two,s money for the day – £24, was shared by Dean Merritt and Roger Duncanson.
The winner with 41 points was Roger Duncanson with Julian Flower 2nd. with 36 points and John Ruskin 3rd. with 34 points


Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the course on day one and the temperature continued to rise reaching nearly 30 degrees with just a little breeze from the Tamar river.

Jim Corbin won nearest the pin on the 5th. and the longest drive on the 9th. was won by Dean Merritt.
Nearest the pin in two which is always a good test of golf was won by John Ruskin on the 14th. and nearest the pin on the 15th. was won by our guest Mike Parker (playing right-handed but putting left handed).

The two,s money for the day was shared between Graeme Price, Jim Corbin and two shares for Dean Merritt.
We had a putting competion on this day, you had to record how many putts you took when putting on the green and this is normally won by the good golfers and true to form Pat Brady won it with 31 points playing off his 5 handicap.The most putts on the day was 51 putts.

Graeme Price was first on this day with 37 points on a card playoff with Rob Parry 2nd.and Russell White 3rd. who both came in with 37 points.

16th at China Fleet


Things were hotting up now on the course and there was a little more breeze than on previous days.

Nearest the pin in two on the 3rd was our guest, Tim Porter(8 handicap)
Nearest the pin on the 2nd was Julian Flower (9h/cp)
Nearest the pin on the 12th. was Roger Johns(10h/cp)
The longest drive on on the 17th.was won by Julian Flower (John Ruskin used Julian’s driver as he had broken his earlier so it was deemed to be Julians award.) See how the low handicappers came good in the end.
The two’s money was shared between Pat Brady, Mike Parker, Martin Debenham and Julian Flower.
The winner on the day was Martin Debenham with 39 points, 2nd was Julian Flower with 37 points and third was Dean Merritt with 36 points.

So the overall Winner over the 3 days was Rob Parry with 104 points with Julian Flower 2nd on 102 points and Roger (whats your handicap) Johns 3rd.

Winning guest was Tim Porter with 93 points and highest score for the 3 days was Roger Duncanson with 41 points.

The Presentation was made in the club house on Sunday afternoon. Everyone was unanimous that the weekend had been a great success and thanked “Bobber” with a presentation of golf wear.

Final results table is as follows;

Player H/cap Score H/cap Score H/cap Score Final Score
  Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
R Parry 23 33 23 37 21 34 104
J Flower 9 36  7 29  7 37 102
R Johns 10 33 10 37 10 31 101
M Debenham 28 27 28 33 28 39  99
D Merritt 20 28 20 35 20 36  99
R Duncanson 27 41 24 27 24 30  98
J Ruskin  6 34  5 32  5 29  95
B Standerwick 24 26 24 33 24 35  94
T Porter  8 35  8 28  8 30  93
G Price 23 24 23 37 20 21  92
P Brady  5 22  5 33  5 34  89
M Parker 22 25 22 31 22 33  89
R White 24 25 24 37 23 26  88
G Adams 15 29 15 28 15 31  88
B Wiffen 20 25 20 30 20 31  86
P Ebbsworth 19 28 19 25 19 33  86
D Rushton 24 27 24 26 24 32  85
G Tucker 24 26 24 27 24 29  82
J Corbin 22 24 22 27 22 27  78
J Pitts 28 25 28 27 28 21  73
A Hewitt 26 20 26 28 26 21  69
Tich White 27 19 27 20 27 30  69
J Lake 24 10 24 30 24 26  66
K Nurrish 28 18 28 25 28 23  56



The Captain’s Cup is traditionally the most prestigious trophy that the ROGS play for,one of the highlights of the ROGS season.Out of 31 members and 3  guests only one person had played at Dunwood manor before and what a revelation it was.It’s located just outside Romsey and is owned by Bramshaw  Golf Club.

The Captain teed off first showing his usual fine style to the rest of the ROGS, who were all sat on the patio area outside the bar already enjjoying liquid  refreshment to prevent dehydration on this glorious hot day.

An exciting and challenging course this proved to be for the ROGS,but very  enjoyable,with some very impressive score cards being returned.

After the ROGS topped up their fluid levels and watche Argintina get knocked  out of the World Cup on penalties,we all sat and had a superb meal in the  clubhouse and the presentation of The Captains Cup and the days other prizes took place.


1st   Mike Parsons  44pts
2nd  Geoff Adams  41pts
3rd  Alan Lambert   40 pts(Decided on a card play off with Brian Whiffen)

Nearest the Pin on the 5th                 Mike Parsons
Nearest the Pin on the 18th               Roger Johns
Nearest the Pin in Two on the 6th     Mike Crissford
Longest Drive on the 9th                   Rob Parry

The Draw for the semi final of the Shaun Brady Summer Knockout was made.

Russell White  V  Mike Crissford
Titch White      V  Roger Johns

This proved to be an extremely popular course and I am sure it will not be long before Dunwood Manor will have the pleasure of the ROGS revisting.  Next month(July) the Rogs will travel the short distance to The Isle Of Purbeck  Golf Club,a true firm old favorite to contest The Landlords Cup.

Also the Captain announced that this years cricket match ROGS vesus The Sports Club will be played on Sunday afternoon 6th August.Cricket starts at 3pm and the BBQ starts at 6pm.

Tickets will be £5.00 per head and children under 12 accompanied by an adult  will be free.All welcome,come along for a fun afternoon.

Captain French


A new venue saw the ROGS travel down to Seaton to play Axecliff Golf Club, a few members had already played the course before but for many this was untrodden ground.

The fixture is to compete for the illustrious Whitbread Shield.

A good turnout of 25 members plus 1 guest were welcomed by bacon butties, coffee and very friendly and helpful club staff.

On the road traveling down the fog was thick and the rain clouds seem to be massive over Seaton, but as the first ROGS members walked to the first tee the sun broke through and the ROGS had superb weather for the rest of the round.

A very interesting course resulted in outstanding play and some superb scores from the ROGS members.

After the sumptious meal provided by the Golf Club the presentation of the Whitbread Shield and the days other prizes

1st   Mike Crissford   39pts

2nd   Simon Scott   37pts

3rd   Alan Lambert   35pts

(this was after 3 players all returned with 35 point and a count back took place.  Commiserations to Ali Hewitt and Martin Debenham) 


Nearest The Pin   Jim Corbin   11th hole

Nearest The Pin in 2   Brian Whiffin

Longest Drive   John Ruskin (again!)

The two`s pot was won by Brian Whiffen and Jim Corbin both on the 11th hole.

The best guest was Martin Parker with 38pts. (Although we found out later he used to be an Axecliffe member for many years!)

Next month The ROGS are off to Dunwood Manor to contest The Captains Cup.  This is another new course for the ROGS which we are eagerly looking forward to.

Captain French


The ROGS April fixture took place at Queens Park Golf Club, where a fantastic turnout of nearly 30 members gathered to contest The Jim Corbin Cup on a glorious spring day.  The Jim Corbin Cup took on a slightly different format than usual as the cup was contested in pairs rather than the traditional individual competitions.  High and low handicap members were drawn together in some interesting pairs and strolled out to the first tee with high expectations of the day.

The talk on the first tee was the two`s money, not having been won in the last 2 matches had now rolled over to a massive £120.00, an amount surely enough to take a ROGS member out of amateur status.

The conditions proved tough for some, but a most enjoyable round was had by all, which concluded with some very respectable scores by the ROGS members.

A most enjoyable meal was had by all followed by the presentation of the Jim Corbin Cup and the days other prizes.


Pairs Competition – Jim Corbin Cup

1st Graeme Price & Rob Parry   50 points (slashed 1 shot)
2nd Dave Ruston & Mike Crissford  41 points(on Countback)
3rd Julian Flowers & John Pitts  41 points

NEAREST THE PIN on 2nd  Mike Crissford
NEAREST THE PIN on 17th  Tom Crabtree
NEAREST THE PIN IN TWO on 13th  Jamie Lake
LONGEST DRIVE on 10th  Julian Flowers


Tom Crabtree  17th  Par 3
Graeme Price  17th  Par 3
Julian Flowers  18th  Par4

The Paul Ebsworth Builders Winter Knockout Shield was won by Julian Flowers beating Rob Parry.

Next month we are traveling to Axecliff in sunny Devon (i hope) a course where many ROGS members have not played before.

Captain French


The ROGS March fixture took place at Long Sutton Golf Club,Somerset.

A new fixture for all the ROGS members to contest the GRS Architects Trophy,although there was some doubt about Guy actually being there to present the Trophy let alone play,as he managed to get lost between Dorchester and Yeovil on his way to the course (ever heard of sat-nav Guy?).

So the ROGS set off on this fine undulating course with high expectations,only to be hampered by Hurricane force winds but very luckily no rain.

A most enjoyable round was then followed by a superb meal in the club house where the ROGS were to feel most welcome during the presentation of the GRS Trophy.

All at ROGS  were impressed with the course and facilities on offer and it is a venue that would be in the ROGS diary for the future.

Results Of The Day

1st Bobber White   36 Points
2nd Paul Ebsworth 35 Points
3rd Alan Lambert   33 Points

Best Guest  Mike Brown 11 points(only guest again!)

Nearest Pin  7th  Hole , John Ruskin
Nearest Pin  17th  Hole , Graeme Price
Nearest Pin in two 5th  Hole, Guy Storey
Longest Drive 16th Hole, Shaun Brady

Captain French

February 2006 – Dorset Golf & Country Club (East Dorset)

 An early start to the Rogs ninth season this year as the Society agreed an extra fixture to play the J-Cabs Travel Trophy at The Dorset Golf & Country Club, formerly East Dorset Golf Club, as many of us know it as.

A splendid turnout of 24 members plus 1 guest arrived early to enjoy a bacon butty and a bucket of balls to stretch those rusty limbs on the driving range.

An enjoyable round commenced in sub artic temperatures, three words from a well known phrase come to mind ( freezing, balls, & brass monkeys).  However with the low temperatures and a very heated and competitive round was had by the ROGS with record scores being recorded.

A sumptuous meal was served by the East Dorset Golg Club after which the presentation for the days prizes were presented.

The winners were

1st President Graeme Price with a magnificent 48 points
2nd Paul Ebsworth with 36 points
3rd Jamie Lake with 35 points

Nearest the pin 7th hole Dave Rushton
Nearest the pin in 2 Julian Flowers
Longest drive Mike Parsons
Nearest the pin 17th hole John Ruskin
Best guest score Mike Brown 6 points (i`ll just add he was the only guest!)

No winner for the two`s competition which we now have a double rollover to be played in March at Long Sutton with the pot in excess of £80.00.

We also had the draw for the Paul Ebsworth Builders Winter Shield which was

Julian Flowers or Dean Merrit V Graeme Price or Mike Parsons
Roger Johns V the winner of Rob Parry & Shaun Brady

Many thanks to Martin Debenham for arranging this seasons prizes.  We all at ROGS wish Martin a speedy recovery from his recent hip operation and hope to see him teeing off soon.

Also congratulations to Julian Flowers and his wife Louise on the safe arrival of a bouncing baby boy, another potential ROGS bandit!

March venue is to be played at Long Sutton, Somerset, a virgin course for all us ROGS members.  Look forward to seeing you all there

Captain French

How to Score Stableford

Every Golfer receives two points for finishing a hole in par.

i.e.    Par        =    2 points
    Birdie        =    3 points<
    Bogey        =    1 point
    Double Bogey =    no points

Now you add your handicap to the points awarded for par.

i.e.    An 18 handicapper receives 1 shot for every one of his 18 holes.
    So par becomes 2 points plus his shot gives him 3 points for a par.
    A birdie is 4 points.
    A bogey is 2 points.
    Double bogey is 1 point.

A 28 handicapper receives 2 shots on stroke index 1-10 and 1 shot on stroke index holes 11-18.

Therefore a par with an index of 1-10 gives him 2 points plus his two shots equals:      
               4 points for a par
               5 points for a birdie
               3 points for a bogey
               2 points for a double bogey
               1 point for a treble bogey