Christmas Cup Of Good Cheer 2005

The nation sat nervously on the edge of their seats awaiting the draw, no we are not talking about the world cup Germany 2006, this was the big one, ROGS Christmas Cup of Good Cheer 2005 at The Bulbury Golf Club. The outgoing Captain, now the president, Graeme Price`s team versus the incoming Captain Russell French`s team.

Over a bacon butty and coffee the draw was held, President Price`s hope started to fade more than Sir Alex Ferguson hopes in Europe, as the captain managed to draw the big guns of Jamie Lake and John “Big John” Ruskin on his side to name but a few, this match was going to prove more explosive than an oil depot at Hemel Hemsted!

Play commenced at 10.04am with the President and Captain who eagerly tee`d off and then proceeded to bimble up the first fairway at a blistering pace.

After a hard fought 18 holes in glorious December sunshine, the weary President and Captain retired to the 19th hole to check whether the lager was up to standard for the evenings ROGS presentation!

Sat in the 19th both watching the teams to stream down the fairway to the 18th hole, the Captain looked nervously uneasy as the President’s team took an early lead. Slowly but surely the rest of the players came in after an epic 5 hour plus round. The captains team fought back to bring the score level to 7 1/2 a piece. Now only Big John`s an Ian Dytham`s result to come in. The Captain’s confidence began to grow, the president with tears dripping into his pint was preparing to concede defeat. But alas to the Captain’s dismay Big John was not firing on all cylinders, and only managed a draw. So the final score was a draw!

After a sumptuous carvery provided by The Bulbury Golf Club, the Captain welcomed a record attendance of 84 people to the presentation evening.

The ROGS raffle Whose prizes were generously donated by local business’s generated a fund of nearly £400.00 which was donated to The Preschool Ragamuffins playgroup.

The results were. ROGS Ryder Cup Christmas Cup of Good Cheer The President’s team V The Captain’s team resulted in a draw.

The Stapleford results:

1st Ali Hewitt
2nd Roger Duncanson
3rd Simon Scott

Longest Drive – Ian Dytham

Nearest Pin 1 – Ali Hewitt

Nearest Pin 2 – Roger Duncanson

Nearest Pin in 2 – Brian Jones

The most improved player of the season was presented to Jamie Lake.

The evening concluded with copious amounts of alcohol and a cheesy disco DJ`D by Shane Mooney, with the usual ROGS suspects throwing some very unnatural shapes on the dance floor. A big thanks to the Bulbury Golf Club and to all our ROGS members for their continued support over the year.

I am looking forward to my coming year as captain supported by my able vice captain Roger Duncanson, with an extremely interesting and challenging choice of venues, which I am sure everybody will enjoy!

Captain French!

Christmas 2005 at Bulbury

Consistency Trophy

Final consistency scores available by clicking here

Final positions

1. Jamie Lake
2. Jim Corbin
3. Graeme Price

ROGS – October fixture at Rushmore Golf Club

An enthusiastic pack of twenty eight ROGS golfers gathered with high expectations of our final fixture of the 2005 season at Rushmore Golf Club. It was also the final outing for this years Captain, so it was with a tear in my eye that the honour of leading ROGS off the first tee was experienced for the last time before handing over the Captaincy reins to Russell French.

Rushmore was in excellent condition for the time of year with the greens proving most tricky. As has been the case during the course of this season the overall standard of play has continued to improve. This is epitomised by this years most improved golfer Jamie Lake, who following his previous months victory proved too good again for the rest of us by recording an impressive 38 points. Yet again ROGS’ most consistent not to mention best player of 2005 John Ruskin battled bravely to gain runners up spot. Showing no ill effects of his Miami tour experience and overcoming the rashes and itching hindrance that his pink thong continues to pester him with, ‘Mr March’ Shaun Brady played a blinder under those conditions to gain third position.

A most enjoyable round was otherwise spoilt by a heavy storm which caused the even the hardiest of ROGS members to scamper for shelter in the surrounding woodland. Unfortunately for me, my last round as Captain will be tarnished by the sight witnessed just off the 14th Green. Accompanying me on the round were Paul Ebsworth and Roger Duncanson, whilst looking for shelter as the heavens opened we stumbled across a portaloo in the woods. I must admit the challenge of fitting 3 people in a portaloo is a new experience and hopefully never to be repeated but squeeze in we did, enduring the sweet aroma of last nights vindaloo which a Rushmore member had kindly deposited prior to our arrival…..Cosily squashed in Roger then decided to change his waterproofs and trousers. The sight that met me as I glanced over my shoulder whilst cuddling Paul’s left arm to see Roger’s glamorous ghost white pins, hairy pigeon chest and chubby bum cheeks is a ghastly one that I never want to repeat!!….all I wanted to do was check my wet hair in the Portaloo’s mirror…..

The standard ROGS sponsored prizes this month went to Martin Debenham and Brian Jones (who’s ball walked on water!) won Nearest the Pin honours and Paul Ebsworth won the Longest Drive competition. Indeed it was Paul who became the star of my final presentation…Having reached his landmark 40th birthday earlier in the week, Sian his lovely wife, had inserted an embarrassing picture of Paul in his early twenties (nice Kevin Keegan hairstyle and Elvis like gold chain for those who didn’t see it) in the Purbeck Advertiser. Fortunately eagle eyed members had seen this and photocopies were duly distributed during the presentation meal. Sian had also included within the advert her pet name for Paul of PABS (evidently some sort of bedroom nickname between Paul and Sian!!) which ROGS members enthusiastically ran a competition to suggest what PABS could possibly stand for. Great hilarity ensued as there was no shortage of ideas from members, most of which are unprintable is this publication; in fact I think there was only one suggestion on a golf theme, Probably Another Bunker Shot. Please stop and ask ROGS members for the remainder…….

Finally, just a few thank you’s before I hand over the Captaincy to Russell and the 2006 season. I hope all members have enjoyed another great season, this wouldn’t have been possible without the help, organisation and work put in by key members. My thanks go to Guy Storey for his continued excellent efforts as Secretary and for organising the Miami Tour. Russell White for producing a fantastic job in the treasurer’s role, not to mention organisation of our summer tour to Cornwall. PABS for his efforts as handicap secretary, Martin Debenham for organising the sponsors prizes during the season. The committee for their continued support and finally to Russell French for his help and work as my Vice Captain to ensure I managed to bumble through the season with the minimum of disasters!

Hope all members winter well on the driving range during the close season, I look forward to seeing all of you plus any other guests who wish to attend our presentation evening at Bulbury Golf Club on 10th December.

Captain Price

ROGS 2005 Tour to Fort Lauderdale, Miami USA

If you thought that ROGS were limited to tearing up local golf courses, think again as we do it worldwide. This was the sixth annual tour and this year the globetrotting ROGS hit the USA. To give you a taste of this years highlights please feel privileged to gain an insight below into brief highlights of this years tour via the Captains Log… Monday 10th October: Roll out of bed at 3am to complete essential last minute packing such as tighty whitey speedos and freshly ironed silk pyjamas, polish golf shoes and clubs before waiting bleary eyed for pick-up. Change of plan to organized transport arrangements, 13-seater minibus picks us up at 4am, only problem 14 in party. Spent trip to Heathrow with the Editor sat on floor resting on my thigh, can the tour get any better??
Tuesday 11th October Complete interviews with USA papparatzi and autographs with fanatical fans at Miami airport as the ROGS arrive in town. Local CNN news channel reports of scenes not seen since Beatles arrived 30 years previous. Pick up hire cars, mix up at Hertz sees the ROGS cruise into downtown Miami in 15-seater ‘Hummer’ minibus with Mr B&Q- Robbie Hall expertly steering our juggernaut. Play Bookmaker offering odds on various golfing comps planned for week. Take over $300 and feel confident that will end up winning. Large liability on Shaun Brady winning who stakes $30 at 50/1. The Editor is heavily backed to become most tipsy lady on tour… Wednesday 12th October First day of Golf at amazing Grande Oaks course. Arrive and immediately attended to by ultra efficient caddies who unload the ‘Hummer’, clean our clubs and deliver in assigned buggies to the first tee. Roger Duncanson texts Brian Hollinshead his resident caddie to tell him he’s fired. Brian not available, currently out being exercised by greyhound. Motley crew of hungover ROGS stumble out of majestic clubhouse ranch into buggies. Jim Corbin dribbling egg down chin and shirt after polishing off massive American brekky. Shaun Brady zigzags to the first tee feeling the affect of his 6am arrival in hotel. Keith Nurrish, on his inaugural ROGS tour hits his first shot up a palm tree where it stays! Weather is hot and sunny and I win…life is great.
Thursday 13th October Feeling affects of a late one in Irish Bar and stories of Shaun’s night out, which climaxed in him appearing in ladies lingerie to star in barmaids 2006 calendar they are compiling starring guys that have visited their bar. Shaun becomes affectionately known as ‘Mr March’ and seems more interested in 32″ pink thongs than concentrating on his golf….. Jim Corbin wins with a massive 41 points the best round of the tour
Friday 14th October Day off from golf, take a look around town and hit the beach to view the sunbathing female Miami silicon bits and pieces on display. Saturday 15th October My birthday. Drunk. Fell over grazed chin.  
Sunday 16th October Hungover. Not available. Learn that other ROGS members have turned their hand to deep-sea fishing. Mixed success, with Titch White the hero catching 2 sharks. Russell ‘Bobba’ White on his maiden fishing voyage nets a large king mackerel. Shaun got his hands on a tiddler (again..) Mr B&Q gets jelly legs and catches just seaweed and Jim is sick overboard. All return rather green round the gills. ROGS vow to stick to golf. Fishing must have been traumatic. Hear of worrying stories that Hurricane Wilma is due to hit our hotel in a few days time. Monday 17th October Time to hit golf course again, ‘Titch’ loses ball on top of 5-storey building aligning 13th fairway. Jim drives a wayward tee shot into unsuspecting duck on pond sinking the poor fellow – fortunately it is plastic. Editor’s pin-up Martin Debenham wins with 33 points leaving a thrilling climax to our competition, Martin leads the field by 2 shots but 5 of us separated by just 3 points approaching tomorrows fourth and final round. The winner will surely come from Roger, Martin, ‘Mr March’, Jim or myself. Early bed plan in prep for big golf round out of window as cheery Yankee barmaid serves ‘Mr March’ and myself free drinks for majority of night. Plan to switch off alarm call for ‘Mr March’ as potentially I stand to lose £900 if he wins…Text Bank Manager about re-financing car.
Tuesday 18th October Final round. ‘Mr March’ appears at clubhouse still ‘bubbled’ suffering from just 80 minutes sleep and blaming useless hotel for forgetting his early morning call (!!) Money looks safe. Text bank manager – high risk now low risk. A tense round results in first Jim then Roger cracking during the early holes, last 9 holes comes down to three of us. Water hazards, bunkers and pressure combine to break my game. Martin cards a fine 25 points resulting in Mr March needing 29 points to win. Financial disaster beckons as he drives his buggy up the 18th fairway still blatantly over the limit but incredibly he cards 33 and wins.. Early night spent crying into pillow. Avoid calls on mobile from Natwest, Wareham… Wednesday 19th October Final day spent on beach before evening presentation ceremony and meal with everyone in local Irish bar/restaurant. Hand out prizes. Jim, Martin, ‘Mr March’ and myself win gold medals for winning individual rounds over the four courses. Jim also wins prestigious ‘most balls in water’ comp with 15! The prestigious ROGS tourist trophy won by the player with the highest stableford score over four rounds is somehow won by ‘Mr March’. Martin Debenham is runner up and Bobba third. Special prizes given to ‘Titch’, who although not so fortunate with his golf was the fishing superstar, so is awarded a book on Florida’s fish and sharks. Following all his exploits Shaun is duly presented with a pink thong and calendar, graciously accepted without even blushing… An excellent night includes a fine rendition of dancing from Keith and Jan Nurrish and lively entertainment from resident Irish compere. Claire Corbin lands most tipsy lady of tour despite fierce competition from the Editor. Good night had by all. Thursday 20th October Fly home with relief not that tour is over but of news that Hurricane Wilma is arriving in town in a couple of days. Most tourists being advised to leave and our hotel on a peninsula beachfront is due to be evacuated in 48 hours time. Miami airport chaotic but ROGS arrive back home safe and sound on schedule with memories of another fantastic tour. Many thanks go from all the tourists to Guy Storey for his hard work and help in organising and planning the tour itinerary.  

ROGS September Fixture – Salisbury Golf Club

Salisbury and South Wilts Golf Club was the setting for the ROGS latest outing. Fine weather enabled ROGS to enjoy breathtaking views of the city and it’s cathedral as another bumper turnout of ROGS golfers hacked around the Wiltshire countryside.

Fortunately for us the course conditions were playing kind allowing us to record scores never seen in our eight year history. This was topped by Jamie Lake who took the honours with a brilliant 47 points beating off strong competition from Jim Corbin and the Captain.

Nearest the Pin prizes were won by Roger Duncanson, Jamie Lake and Jim Corbin whilst the 2’s money was won by Paul Ebsworth, Jim Corbin and Jamie once again.

ROGS – August Fixture at Barton-On-Sea Golf Club

The prestigious Presidents Cup was the sought after prize at ROGS August fixture which was held at scenic Barton-On-Sea. A new venue for a ROGS fixture, Barton proved to be a firm favourite offering a choice of 3 coastline based nine-hole courses overlooking the Solent with views stretching out to the Needles and Isle of Wight. A strong Force 6 onshore wind (according to Bru Kettley) resulted in a stiff golfing challenge for us seasoned ROGS professionals and a varied mixture of scorecards were recorded. Some better than others……

The Presidents Cup was won by John Ruskin with one of the best rounds ever played by a member in the Society’s 7 year history. Playing off just 6, ‘Rusky’ carded 38 Stableford points and went round in just 4 over, proving far to good for the majority of his windswept rivals and leaving most members gawping into their after dinner glasses of wine. A hardy challenge was put up by ‘Titch’ White in second (on countback) and Mike ‘The Landlord’ Parsons with excellent scores of 38 and 36 respectively but the day belonged to ‘Rusky’ who was presented with the Cup by this years ROGS President and workpal, Mr ‘B&Q’ Robbie Hall.

As usual, although competitive the day had a light hearted feel. Overlooked by the new impressive clubhouse at Barton, the 18th hole is a picturesque but somewhat tricky par 3 containing a small remote green protected by a wide moat of water. It proved for many to be a daunting last hole of a trying round, aided by a strong crosswind and the dubious pressure of grinning clubhouse based ROGS members cruelly aching for their colleagues to drop their tee shots into the water!! Unsurprisingly many ROGS members found it all too much, ‘Choked’ may be a strong word to use but many individuals succumbed to the magnet-like water, each accompanied by a hearty cheer (and Roger Johns’ cackle!) by their colleagues at the clubhouse bar whenever a splash of water was seen!! Step forward the ROGS wet hall of shame……Shane Mooney, Richard White, Andy Sonner, Peter Cheeseman and Jamie Lake all of whom found the pressure a little too much!

A handsome range of sponsors prizes were on offer for the normal ROGS competitions such as Nearest the Pin which was won by John Pitts with a quite superb lob onto the 18th. Julian Flower won his usual armful of prizes by winning Nearest the Pin on the 5th. Not embarrassed by outclassing a quality field of golfers, ‘Rusky’ won Nearest the Pin in 2 competition and modestly the Captain proved he held the strongest and lengthiest wood of the day by winning the Longest Drive competition (what do you mean you needed binoculars to view his ball from the tee??..) The traditional 2’s competition was won by Roger Johns recording the only 2 carded all day. Congratulation to everyone for a fantastic day and thanks for such a wonderful turn out of approaching 30 Members.

Finally congratulations also to Paul Ebsworth for winning the Shaun Brady Summer Knockout Competition. The final was played at Weymouth against an improving ROGS member in Gordon Tucker. Although Paul started well and went 3 up, Gordy displayed his fighting qualities to pull it back only for Paul to tie up the contest on the 17th Green. Well done Ebbsy, who ably reminds me that he becomes the first member to become reigning champion of both the Winter and Summer Cup in one season! Thanks to all members who supported the competition throughout the summer months.

July Fixture at Wareham Golf Club

The July fixture saw ROGS Members travel the short distance to Wareham Golf Club to contest the Landlord’s Cup, presented by Mike Parsons from the Royal Oak. With at least 6 ROGS members also enjoying membership at Wareham a high scoring day was assured on a course familiar to most. A great turnout of 28 members guaranteed a competitive days golf which resulted in the eloquent Geoff Adams producing a masterful round of golf to just pip Roger Johns and Peter Cheeseman to the Cup.

Throughout the afternoon Jim Corbin was in close contention and concentrating hard out on course blissfully aware of the drama going on at the clubhouse where his wife Clare, was desperately trying to track him down on the phone. With Jim foolishly preferring another mobile provider to the prestigious award winning Orange network, Jim could not be contacted which forced Clare to try the clubhouse and was put through to a ROGS member who had played in the first group and had finished his 18 holes.

This happened to be Russell French, who without giving his identity spoke to Clare expecting to pass on a simple message such as Jim’s left his prize tighty-whitey pants at home. However, blood could be visibly seen draining from Russell’s face as a distressed Clare revealed that she was left stranded on the Upton bypass in her broken down car which had smoke exuding from under the bonnet. Russell mumbled a few apologetic words and assured her that Jim was only 5 minutes from finishing his round and would call very soon. Unfortunately as you’ve probably guessed this was the car Clare and Jim had recently purchased from Russell…..

The day was rounded off in fine style as many members joined Wareham’s carnival festivities with Russell buying most of Jim and Clare’s drinks throughout the evening!

Nearest the Pin honours for the days golf were won by Rob Smith, Geoff Adams and Roger Duncanson with Mr ‘B&Q’ Robbie Hall claiming the Longest Drive of the day. Congratulations to all and we look forward to another strong turnout as the ROGS invade Barton-On-Sea for next month’s fixture

Captain’s Cup June 2005

The Captain’s Cup in June is traditionally one of the highlights of the ROGS season, held at one of the top courses in Dorset this year proved no different with Broadstone Golf Club the chosen venue for the ROGS to show off their talents.

The day got off to a bang, with deafening claps of thunder accompanied by fork lighting creating a half hour delay to the scheduled start. Whilst this was bliss for a couple of members who managed to dip into a couple of pints in the clubhouse, anxious looks were seen on the faces of other members as the thunder continued to rumble.

Former BA Pilot Keith Nourish heightened nerves by relaying a string of alarming stories about the times his plane was struck by lightening in mid flight causing a near loop-da-loop on a couple of occasions! He assured us that being hit by lightening on a golf course whilst holding a metal club mid-backswing was no fun, guaranteed to make the last remaining wisps of hair on Roger Johns and Peter Cheeseman’s head stand on end!

Once the storm passed over the weather soon brightened up, alongside the golf where some great play was displayed matching the high class venue. The conditions proved tough for some however, including that weathered soul, ROGS’ most famous caddy Brian ‘The Prune’ Hollinshead. An ever present, he is regularly seen shoving Roger Duncanson’s bag and trolley up the 18th fairway looking half dead on hands and knees after a torrid round zig-zagging up and down fairways following Roger’s ball. This time he was invited to play one of the holes, so with eager anticipation he teed up his ball but unknown to the king of caddy’s he was given a soap ball which, upon Brian hitting it promptly exploded into a puff of smoke. Brian reappeared through the haze 5 seconds later and is now enjoying a happy retirement not just from golf but after 45 years of work. Happy retirement from all at ROGS, not least Jim Corbin who says a special thank you!

Following on from winning the ROGS Summer Tour prize of Top Golfer, the Captain’s Cup was won by John Ruskin. Jamie Lake was the bridesmaid for the day and Mr ‘B&Q’ Robbie Hall claimed third. The Captain ran a lucky holes competition which was won by Jamie Lake, alongside a popular winner not usually accustomed to appearing on the winners podium but who always puts in 100%, John Pitts. Usual ROGS prizes of nearest the pin and longest drive were won by Julian Flower, Geoff Adams and Brett Standerwick. Congratulations to all!

Captain Price

May 2005 at Yeovil Golf Club Fixture

The ROGS May fixture to Yeovil Golf Club was timed to perfection. Yeovil were to host their ‘Open’ a week after our visit which meant that the course was in immaculate condition, fit to grace the talents of Tiger Woods and Ernie Els let alone elite ROGS members such as Geoff Adams and Mike Crisford. The day proved to be a real test of skill and stamina as the hottest day of the year greeted ROGS members upon arrival, ensuring a day of toil out on course as members tried to cope with both the heat and a challenging course. Even Jamie Lake broke sweat as the round progressed, we later realised this was of fear that we may have missed the evening meal had we finished ten minutes later!

For the most enthusiastic of Members, those that could drag themselves away from the clubhouse bar, a stretch and swing warm-up session kicked off the day on Yeovil’s driving range – not quite Oz Aerobics but some interesting swings were witnessed nevertheless. None more so than from Brian Jones who’s golf club head came flying off, narrowly missing Robbie Hall’s new hairdoo and landing 100 yds down the range, 40 yards further than his ball I hasten to add.

Following on from last months report I am pleased to update you that Simon Scott’s car back window has been repaired and the 2’s kitty boosted by no winner at our previous two meetings was at record levels. With a pot this size Eamonn Holmes was on standby to present the prize fund. The 2’s kitty is a pot of money that each player contributes to before we set off on each round and is won by the golfer who scores a 2 on any hole during the round. With Yeovil offering four par 3’s, hopes were high that the prize could be scooped. None more so than the Captain, who placed a delightful drive just 6 inches from the flag on one par 3 and it just looked a case of arriving on the green to trouser the kitty. However an act of god, reminiscent to Devon Loch slipping up 50 yards from the finishing line in the Grand National or Kev Steele blasting over the bar from 6 yards out with an open goal at his mercy when on a hat-trick for Bere Regis’s first eleven, the Captain managed to join this elite club by promptly missing the putt allowing birthday boy John Ruskin to win the kitty on his own!

This month’s competition was won by that wily old fox Brian Wiffen, recording a terrific 38 points beating off Peter Cheeseman who is rapidly earning himself the tag ‘Society Bandit’ with Mr ‘B&Q’ Robbie Hall and new hairdoo claiming third prize. Nearest the Pin winners were John Ruskin and the Captain. Julian Flower claimed nearest the pin in two and also won a new competition sponsored by our Northern Tycoon, Roger Duncanson, who kindly donated a golf bag as a reward for Julian recording the least number of putts throughout the round. Congratulations to all.

Captain Price

April 2005 at Meyrick Park Golf Club

The ROGS April fixture took place at Meyrick Park Golf Club, where a fantastic turnout of nearly 30 members gathered to contest the Jim Corbin Cup. This fixture took on a slightly different format to the norm as the Cup was contested in pairs rather than our traditional individual competitions. Members were drawn together in some interesting pairs and trooped out to the first tee from the clubhouse Noah’s Ark style…that is all bar Tom Crabtree, who due to unfortunate circumstances was forced to arrive late appearing with just minutes to spare before his allocated tee-off. In his haste to change and arrive at the tee in time, Tom had a rather unfortunate argument with the locker door and appeared on the first tee dazed and confused with blood gushing down his face, refusing offers of first aid in order to achieve his tee off time, this was the determined ROGS spirit at it’s best!!! Treatment was finally applied allowing Tom to record an excellent score with partner Roger Johns, finishing the day with a macho looking plaster on his head to show for all his efforts.

The society continues to grow and this month we welcomed three new potential members, Keith Nourish, Pete Dominey and Simon Scott. The first ROGS outing was certainly an eventful if not altogether memorable one for Simon. Completing a very respectable first round, Simon was dragging his weary body up the 18th fairway with his mind firmly focused on sampling Meyrick’s finest lager only to set eyes upon his car in the adjacent car park. Nothing unusual in that you may think….but it is if your back window is smashed leaving a hole the size of a golf ball as evidence! Better luck next month Simon and for once it wasn’t a ROGS ball!! The culprit is still at large somewhere on a Dorset Golf Course!

The usual range of sponsors’ accolades ensured a competitive day on the course. John Ruskin went home with his customary award, this time with nearest the pin in two prize with Robbie ‘B&Q’ Hall and Paul Ebsworth the par 3 nearest the pin winners. The Jim Corbin Cup was captured by that wily golfer Mr Brian Wiffen, and his partner Rob Parry recording a magnificent 48 points. In Rob’s customary fashion the Cup was filled up in record time with a concoction of Meyrick’s top shelf tipples. Congratulations to all who participated at Meyrick, details of the finishing scores are listed below. The season rolls on to Yeovil on 27th May, where we looked forward to another terrific turnout, great golf and wonderful weather.

Jim Corbin Cup – Final Standings:

Winners: Rob Parry & Brian Wiffen 48pts Runners-Up: Peter Cheeseman & Geoff Adams 46pts (R-Up on countback) Third: Jamie Lake & Mike Crisford 46pts

Also Rans: Dean Merritt & John Pitts 45pts Brian Jones & Martin Debenham 44pts Roger Duncanson & Jim Corbin 44pts Shaun Brady & Russell White 41pts Paul Ebsworth & Shane Mooney 40pts Robbie Hall & Rob Smith 39pts Roger Johns & Tom Crabtree 39pts Gordy Tucker & John Ruskin 37pts Captain Price & Russell French 36pts Julian Flower & Brett Standerwick 32pts

 Wheathill Golf Club fixture

With the clocks springing forward at the end of March, it also spelt time for the ROGS to spring into action as their eighth season commenced at Wheathill Golf Club in Somerset.

Blessed with fine weather and high expectations of the opening fixture, the ROGS left early in the beano bus on hire from J-Cabs, arriving at the clubhouse in ample time prior to tee off to enjoy a leisurely bacon sandwich and coffee, exchanging impressive tales of how their game had improved over the winter close season. Whilst others were trying to remember how to grip a golf club and seemed more concerned that Wheathill’s clubhouse licence meant no beer until 12pm….

In splendid Somerset sunshine the ROGS made hay on a course in marvellous condition for the time of year and some excellent scores were returned. However, ROGS’s reputation now goes before them and upon their sighting over the Somerset hills very little wildlife could be spotted around Wheathill, even the nesting blackbirds kept their heads down in the hedgerow as wayward ROG’s golf balls came hurtling in their direction.

Our illustrious driver for the day, John from famed J-Cabs decided to stay for the duration of the day and walked the course accompanying various ROG’s members as they played the 18 holes, sending his blood pressure and life insurance premiums soaring but at the end of the day admitted that he had been knocked over by the standard of play he witnessed ….well almost literally thanks to one of Jamie’s 80 degree shanks! if only our golf drives could match his performance behind the wheel. For once, my able Vice Captain Russell French was not to blame, putting in a determined round of golf full of finesse to gleefully record more points on his scorecard than driving licence. A meritorious start to the season keep it up Vice!

As excellent standard of golf throughout the day saw nearest the pin prizes awarded to Jamie Lake and Mr B&Q – Robbie Hall. Nearest the pin with second shot honours went to Guy Storey and Julian Flower won his customary longest drive prize.

There were four elite players on the day who broke the magic 40 point barrier; Shaun Brady was narrowly beaten into 4th place on a second count back by the Captain, who was blatantly pulling rank to win the bronze medal. Runner up honours went to Paul Ebsworth, whilst the glory and GRS Architects Trophy was taken by the Editors Pin-Up Martin Debenham who headed the ROGS field with a magnificent 43 points.

A superb day was rounded off by John the driver (showing definite fatigue after his earlier walking adventures) getting lost on 2 or 3 occasions on the way home…..each time finding himself in a pub car park, whilst the ROG’s merrily supped the local brew and expertly spent the Editors housekeeping money filling up the trophy Martin had won!

Next fixture is on 29th April when the ROG’s do battle with Meyrick Park golf course, I look forward to seeing another excellent turn out of members and continuation of the first class scoring enjoyed at Wheathill. Could members also ensure that they have played their first round matches in the Summer Knockout Trophy before the Meyrick Park fixture. Captain Price

Rogs Fixtures 2005

Golf days held every month, usually the last Friday, from March through to October.
New members are invited to join
Contact Guy Storey – 471041 for membership forms and details.


Friday 25th March     GRS Trophy    Wheathill Golf Club
Friday 29th April    Jim Corbin Cup    Meyrick Park Golf Club
Friday 27th May    Whitbread Shield    Yeovil Golf Club
Friday 24th June    Captain’s Cup    Broadstone Golf Club
Friday 29th July    Landlord’s Cup    Wareham Golf Club
Friday 26th August    President’s Cup    Barton on Sea Golf Club
Friday 30th September    Rob Hall Trophy    Salisbury and South Wiltshire Golf Club
Friday 28th October    Zoom Trophy    Rushmore Golf Club

ROGS on Tour in 2005

17th – 19th June St Mellion/Trethorne
11th – 21st October Ft Lauderdale Florida USA 

AGM 2005

Thursday 17th November at Bere Regis Sports Club 7:00 for 7:30 pm

2005 Christmas Cup of Good Cheer

Saturday 10th December Bulbury Woods GC