2015 Venue TROPHY/
27 February Stoneham GRS Trophy Terry Petersen
27 March Lyme Regis Members Challenge Charlie Way
24 April Knighton Heath Whitbread Pairs Peter Cheeseman &
Charlie Way
29 May Isle of Purbeck Ex-Landlord’s Cup Matt Cooper
26 June Dibden Memorial Trophy Julian Flowers
31 July Ashley Wood Captain’s cup Merrick Smith
28 August Bridport Jim Corbin Cup Julian Flower
25 September Romsey President’s Cup Dean Merritt
30 October Crane Valley Zoom Trophy Julian Flowers

ROGS on Tour

Mini UK Tour – 12th to 14th June, Dartmouth

Overseas Tour – Turkey 17th to 23rd September

Christmas Cup of Good Cheer – 12 December 2015

The ROGS assembled at the DGCC for the annual Presidents V Captains event, followed by the dinner and presentation evening.
28 golfers played in high spirits with the weather thankfully mild and dry. 14 pairs of head to head match play  saw the captains team run out winners by a healthy margin of 9 – 5.
Matches of note were Tony Mills, playing for the presidents team, score an impressive 36 stableford points  only to lose his match on the 18th green to an inspired performance from a rejuvenated Neil Middleditch, Ian Spalding, for the captains team, played a see saw match with Graeme Price eventually Ian coasting home against a flagging Graeme.
An individual stableford event was also contested with Brett Standerwick winning for the second year running with an impressive 38 pts.
We also saw the introduction of the now very popular nearest the line rather than the longest drive, won by Vice Captain Mark Teed who somehow managed to land his ball on the line!
Mention must also go to Dean Merritt who forced to walk the course, recorded a very impressive 7.7 miles fortunately Dean was staying at the club and was able to snatch much needed sleep to enable full recovery.
The golf was followed by the dinner and presentation attended by 62 thirsty, hungry and well turned out individuals, and a veritable fashion show provided by the lovely ladies attending.
The captain made a generous early Xmas gift to a number of ROGS featuring amongst these were ear defenders and boxing gloves for Alison and Martin Debenham, a gin container (3 pints) for Neil Middleditch, a nappy and baby talc for the sometimes incontinent Ian Spalding and most important of all a 2lb bag of flour for the society cake maker Christine Tucker.
Trophies were duly awarded to all of the 2015 winners all of which were much deserved. Special mention must be made to Julian Flower who won the consistency trophy with an average of 36 pts playing off a handicap between 4 and 2 a remarkable performance well done Julian, the trophy will be good addition to the etch -a-sketch gift generously gifted by your captain which will doubtless keep you fully occupied during the new season.
I am also delighted to report that the staggering generosity of the ROGS and our guests, a sum of £845 was raised to my charity fund which this will go to Asthma UK, many thanks to you all.
We all look forward to the 2016 fixtures commencing with the GRS Trophy at Weymouth on February 26th.


30th OCTOBER 2015

After several days of heavy rain and a forecast of more to come 25 R.O.G.S. and one Guest tramped the somewhat soggy fairways  of Crane Valley. All decked out in waterproof suits and umbrellas to hand the Captains group T-d off in persistent drizzle, but before completing the first hole this had abated and after a few more holes we were all disrobing and playing in short sleeved shirts. How strange are the vagaries of our beloved British Weather?

We had our usual array of hard luck stories to tell in the clubhouse afterwards like the Capt. Loosing two balls in flooded bunkers and B.J. faced with a par 4 hole of 461 yds. Played his 2nd shot from 462yds. Having seen his T-shot travel sideways and not managing to pass the forward Ladies `T` with his third. Despite these and other tales the scoring on the day was in general very good with Julian winning (once again) with a great score of 38 pts. Playing off of a handicap of 3. His win was even more remarkable as he was carrying an injury ( bruised Ribs sustained in a fall when enjoying `a jolly` in Barcelona the previous week)!! How true the old adage `Beware of the Injured Golfer`.

Second was Charlie Way with 36 pts. On countback from Ian Spalding also on 36 pts.
Nearest the Pin on the 6th  Roger Johns
Nearest the Pin on the 13th  Peter Foster
Nearest the pin in two on the 18th Charlie Way
Longest Drive on the 14th Graeme Price
There were 5 twos, Geoff. Adams, Charlie Way, Tony Mills (guest), Julian Flower, Harry Smith.

Congratulations to Barry Watts on winning the Summer K.O. Competition when defeating Ian Spalding in the final. Spaldy has now been `bridesmaid` in both the Winter and the Summer K.O.s but with the exception of the two winners he achieved more than the rest of us!!!

As this is my last report of my Captaincy year I would like to thank all of the R.O.G.S. for their support in raising funds throughout the season for my two chosen charities the M S Society and Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research. In total a sum in excess of £1,300-00 will be split between these two charities.

I would also like to express my thanks to Peter Cheeseman who as my Vice Captain has given me tremendous support throughout the year, and to wish him every success for his Captaincy Year 2016.

Best Regards

                       Doug Marsh



 Friday 25  September 2015    

On a bright and sunny September morning twenty two R O G S and one Guest took to the undulating and tree lined fairways at Romsey. The course was in super condition and all in all it was an opportunity for some super golf to be played. Unfortunately not all of us took advantage of the situation and with much endeavour managed to return some mediocre scores !!!

Congratulations must go to Dean (Tiny) Merritt who having suffered a three hour delay on the return flight from the Turkey Tour, resulting in about three hours sleep before playing returned a great score of 38pts to win the Presidents Cup. This after triumphantly winning the Turkey Tour the previous week.  In 2nd place with 37pts was Roger Johns and 3rd was Ian Spalding with 36pts.

Nearest the Pin on the 3rd   Capt.
Nearest the Pin on the 10th  Neil Middleditch
Nearest the Pin in 2 on the 14th Ian Spalding
Longest Drive on the 18th Julian Flower

There were two 2`s both on the 3rd hole where the Capt. Was nearest the pin (but obviously needs more putting practice)  by Peter (Magnum P.I.) Foster and Mark(Clappers) Clapcott.

Congratulations to all the above and to Bob Way who is now a full member of the Society, also to our Guest Tony Mills who returned a score of 33pts playing off 8 handicap.

The shot of the day must go to our President Jamie Lake who having slightly hooked his Tshot on the 14th onto the adjacent 12th fairway proceeded to his ball and using his GPS distance device determined the perfect club for the required distance. Having struck a superb 7 iron to within 8 feet of the flag he strutted off chest puffed out proudly, only to find Ebby and myself in fits of laughter in the 14th fairway. On enquiring why we were not applauding his wonderful shot, we politely!!! Informed him that he had played to the 16th green by mistake. It is not possible to convey his response here!!!!

Our next meeting will be on the 30th October at Crane Valley Golf Club and will be the last event of my Captaincy year which seems to have flown by.

Best Regards Doug Marsh (Capt.)        


 28th AUGUST 2015

Twenty one R.O.G.S. and two guests took to the fairways of Bridport on a pretty windy day. As the course is predominately along the cliff top this proved to be a real test in keeping the ball in play and out of the rough and hazards that abound on the course.

 Formed in 1891 Bridport &West Dorset G.C. is the oldest Golf Club in Dorset. Originally on the West Cliff at West Bay, the Club moved to the East Cliff in 1911. The Clubhouse was then set into the cliff, some halfway up, leaving an energetic walk to the first tee. The Clubhouse was destroyed by fire in 1969. Latterly the Clubhouse site was sold for housing development, and with acquisition of more land in 1989 and course redesign a new Clubhouse was built at the opposite end of the course.

The Course being adjacent to the South West Coast Path provides members and visitors with extensive views of the Jurassic Coast from Portland in the east and the sweep of Lyme Bay to the west.

 Given the trying conditions on the day, a skilful 32 points was posted by Julian Flower to win on countback from Bazza Watts on the same score. Third was El Tel Petersen with 30 points.

               Nearest the Pin on the 6th   Simon Scott
               Nearest the Pin on the 18th Tim Petersen (Guest)
               Nearest the Pin in two on the 8th Roger Duncanson
               Longest Drive on the 15th Harry Smith

The Summer K.O. Competition is nearing conclusion with Ian Spalding and Bazza Watts winning their respective Semi-finals to contest the final. Good Luck Gentlemen!!!

 The game at Bridport was the last regular participation in the R.O.G.S. for Roger Duncanson who is moving away from the area. Roger is a founder member of the Society and has always strived to ensure the principles and integrity of the Society are upheld,. His commitment and his company on the course will be missed by all. We wish Roger and Arleen every happiness in their new home, and hope if they find themselves down in Dorset in the future that Roger can join us for a game once again.

 Sadly Dave Clunies-Ross a long standing member of the Society lost his battle with illness during August, and we send our condolences to Dave`s Family.

Unfortunately I only had the pleasure to play with Dave on a couple of occassions, but I know that many of our members hold the memory of his company in the Society with great fondness.

 Our next event is the Winter Tour to Turkey, good luck to those who are travelling, followed by our September meeting at Romsey Golf Club when we contest the Presidents Cup.

  Best Regards   Doug. Marsh (Capt.)


31ST Aug 2015

Twentyseven R.O.G.S. contested the trophy on a glorius sunny afternoon over the undulating fairways of Ashley Wood.
Ashley Wood Golf Club was built by Sir William Henry Smith-Marriot in 1896 after becoming bored with the usual leisure activities of the day. Ashley Wood was the fifth Golf Club to be formed in Dorset, following Bridport 1891, Isle of Purbeck 1892, Lyme Regis 1893 and Sherborne 1894. The course was2642 yards in length consisting of nine holes complete with grass bunkers.

The course was laid out over historic countryside, including Buzbury Rings (an ancient hill fort), tumuli and defensive dykes, all of which dated back to pre-Roman times. Theese ancient remains were incorporated into the layout in various ways and without doubt added to the difficulty of the course.

Buzbury Rings are still visible today although on the opposite side of the main Blandford to Wimborne road as the course. Other historic features are still incorporated within the current course layout.

Having become slightly derelict during the Second World War, the course was purchased in 1952 by Roy and Jackie Carey, who constructed two tees on each of the nine holes to give an eighteen hole yardage of 5107 yds.
In 1994 with extra land being secured the course was extended to todays 18 hole layout,almost 100 years from its inception.

 Some great scores were returned on the day with Merrick Smith winning with 41 points, this being the first score in excess of forty points that we have had for a long time. Second was Julian Flower  with a super score of  38 pts. Playing off of a handicap of  4!!!! Third on countback from Alan Green &Geoff Adams was Jamie Lake. Well played Guys!!

       Nearest the Pin on 9th &18th holes Peter (Magnum P.I.) Foster
       Nearest the Pin on 4th  Mark (Teddy) Teed
       Nearest the pin in two on the 12th  Teddy Teed  (again)!!
       Longest Drive on the 14th Paul (come on Ebby) Ebsworth

We had one winner of the two`s kitty Teddy Teed ( again) on the 4th.
A fun putting contest was also held ,with proceeds going towards my two Captains Charities.this involved trying to putt 5 balls through decreasing sized holes scoring from 1-5 points on a cleverly positioned backboard.This aroused quite a competitive streak in some R.O.G.S. which grew with the amount of alcohol consumed after our meal. The winner of a bottle of champagne was Jamie (Lakey) Lake with a score of  11pts. Much to the consternation of  several members who having amassed 7 or 8 points with 3 balls, couldn`t find a score with the remaining balls.

Thanks Guys for your generosity in raising some extra charity monies.

 The Summer K.O. has reached semi-final stage with Terry (El Tel)Petersen v Barry (Bazza) Watts and Ian (Spaldy) Spalding v Gordy(General)Tucker, best of luck gentlemen.

 Our next meeting is at Bridport & West Dorset Golf Club which is situated right on the cliff top east of West Bay, lets hope for a nice calm day or we may all finish up in Weymouth or Charmouth if the wind blows!!!

Regards Doug Marsh (Captain)


On Friday 12th June 26 R.O.G.S. and 2 Guests descended on Dartmouth to contest the Summer Tour over three rounds over the weekend. 

Friday`s round was a wet affair with everyone getting a good soaking before retiring to the Bar to retell many  tales of woe!!! Saturday`s round was dry but a raging gale had to be tamed to score well. Many tales of woe again in the Bar later!!! Sunday was a glorius Devon day, with bright dry conditions which enabled some of the Super ROGS to tame a tricky course. Enevitably there were some tales of woe again, retold on the drive home on Sunday afternoon.

Final scores over three days
Julian (Howlin Mad)Flower 97 points
Dean(Tiny)Merritt 95 points
Peter(Magnum P.I.)Foster 90 points

Well played to all ROGS and to Russell(Bobber)White for putting in the legwork to organise the tour.


The Memorial Trophy was contested on Friday 26th June by 26 ROGS and one Guest at Dibden. The course has an interesting layout, with four or five `risk and reward` holes offering the chance to redeem earlier misdemeanours, some managed to take advantage of this and some didn`t!!! Overall the scoring was really good despite some of us being distracted by the sight of the cruise ship `Splendour of the Seas` as she sailed, with our minds wandering to far off destinations in envy!!

At least this year the weather was kind,as our previous visit last year was completely  washed out with the fairways resembling Southampton Water which the course in parts overlooks.

1st Howlin Mad Flower 39 pts.
2nd Bobber White 38 pts. (on countback)
3rd Alan (Jimmy) Green 38pts
Nearest the Pin on the 4th Steve Cox
Nearest the Pin on the 11th Guy Storey
Nearest the Pin in two on the 12th Bobber White
Longest Drive on the 16th Graeme Price
Four players shared the `twos kitty` Roger Johns, Paul Ebsworth, Matt Cooper, Charlie Way.

The next ROGS fixture is the Captains Cup on 31st July when I look forward to welcoming the ROGS at my home course at Ashley Wood.

 Best Regards

 Doug Marsh (Capt.)  

Ex-Landlords Cup Isle of Purbeck Golf Club

Friday 29th May 2015.

Twenty four R.O.G.S. and three Guests took to the fairways of the I.O.P. course on a very windswept day, with the forecast of heavy rain later. As many of you may know the I.O.P. course is situated at Studland, and must be one of the most scenic courses anywhere, especially on a calm clear day offering extensive views of Bournemouth Bay, the Isle of Wight, and of course the panorama of Poole Harbour and the Islands. 

Having all `T-d` off and proceeding to tackle the trying conditions, the heavy rain (as forecast) began, and with it a subsequent fall in the temperature (it was `Baltic`) which prompted several members to seek the refuge of the clubhouse, an early shower, liquid refreshment, and to wonder at the sanity of those who chose to continue.  During this period of extreme wind and rain the Capt. only just managed to avoid a `Mary Poppins` moment when handed M.D.s umbrella to hold whilst he tried to T off and was forced to relinquish his hold on the said umbrella, or become airborne when a particularly tornado like gust engulfed us. This resulted in the Capt. Having to negotiate 100yd`s of gorse and heather to retrieve it. 

Having got wet and very cold the rain then abated and the round was completed in glorius sunshine!!! As can be imagined the scoring was particularly low with the exeption of one member who seemed to have no difficulty at all, so congratulations to Matt Cooper with a great score on the day of 34pts. 

1st Matt Cooper 34pts
2nd Brett Standerwick 26pts (on countback)
3rd Roger  Johns 26pts 

Nearest the Pin on 4th no winner (should have been nearest the green I think)!!! 
Nearest the Pin on 8th Matt Cooper
Nearest the Pin in two 18th Brian Jones
Longest Drive 14th Julian Flower (Teedy probably hit one further on one hole when his ball got caught on the wind and was last seen heading for Brownsea Island)!!!
The 2`s sweep was won by Ian Spalding 

Our next event is the Summer Tour to Dartmouth Golf & Country Club preceeded by an unofficial Day Trip to St. Mellion International Resort for 12 keen R.O.G.S. who want to show their mastery of the game around the Jack Nicklaus course !!!! Our next monthly fixture is on the 26th June at Dibden Golf Centre at Hythe. I look forward meeting all those on the Tour or Pre Tour at the respective venues or at Dibden on the26th. 

Best Regards

Doug. Marsh Captain 


24 th April 2015

Thirteen pairs of R.O.G.S. took to the heathland fairways of Knighton Heath to challenge for the Trophy. The Course was founded in 1932 when land at the east end of Canford Heath was purchased from Lord Wimborne. The Course was originally named Northbourne Golf Club and was officially opened in 1934 with an exhibition match between Percy Alliss, proffessional at Ferndown Golf Club (father of the well known ` voice of golf ` Peter Alliss `) and Alf Pagham.Both were well known professionals at the peak of their game. In 1959 it was renamed New Northbourne Golf Club when purchased by Mr Billy Knott. He sold it in 1972 but the new owner went bankrupt in 1976, after which the club was purchased by the members and renamed Knighton Heath Golf Club. I wonder how many people have travelled along Ringwood Road at Wallisdown not knowing that just off the Mountbatten Roundabout lies the Golf Club, which to my knowledge is not visible from any of the major roads in the area. 

We had a three way tie at the top with each pair scoring 43 points,(although not participating in the event, Sir G`s guest Ray Twine and the Capt. Also scored 43 points). Having sorted out the countback congratulations go to Peter Cheeseman and Charlie Way in 1st place. I should mention here that Charlie has won this event four times in the last five seasons with a different partner each time, well done Sir Charles. 
2nd Mark Teed & Brian Jones 43 pts.
3rd Dean Merritt & Neil Middleditch 43 pts.
4th Geoff Adams & Gordy Tucker 41 pts.
5th Graeme Price & Barry Watts 40pts
6th Ian Spalding & Steve Cox 39  
7th Julian Flower & guy Storey 39 pts.
8th Roger Johns & Russell White 37 pts.
9th Terry Petersen & Paul Ebsworth 33 pts. 9th Jim Corbin& Alan Green 33 pts. 9th Brett Standerwick & Simon Scott 33 pts.

We also had a separate singles competition with scores counting towards the consistency trophy. Congratulations to Sir G with 35 pts for winning (he`s not happy about losing 2 shots off his handicap ), Local knowledge as a Knighton Heath member was a crucial factor. Nearest the pin on the 18th was Mark Teed Nearest the pin on the 14th was Paul Ebsworth Nearest the pin in 2 on the 8th was Mark Clapcott Bragging rights for the longest drive on the 10th Mark Teed There were 2 two`s, Sir G on the 14th and Peter Cheeseman on the 11th.

Our next meeting is on the 29th May at the Isle of Purbeck Golf Club which must be one of the most scenic courses in England. I look forward to meeting up with all R O G S there. Doug.Marsh Captain

Members’ Challenge Trophy

24 ROGS made the journey on the 27th March to the Dorset/Devon border to contest the Members Challenge Trophy. Having kept a watchful eye on all weather forecasts predicting high winds and rain prior to our visit, the day turned out to be fairly benign with only a few drops of rain and light winds.This was quite a result as playing on the clifftop course that is Lyme would have been challenging in adverse conditions.

Lyme Regis Golf Club was formed in1893  with 67 members.Green Fees were 1s 0d(daily) 4s 0d(weekly)10s 0d(monthly).The original course was laid out as 9 holes and extended to 18 holes in 1934.The entrance fee and subscription at that time was3guineas for local residents and 2 guineas for members who lived more than 20 miles away,currently subscription is around £800 annually.

Lyme Regis must be one of the most scenic courses in Dorset and probably further afield with views eastwards to Golden Cap and the Jurassic Coast beyond, and the wedge shape of Portland in the far distance.To the west the view of the town and famous Cob and the panorama of Lyme Bay sweeping around the coast of South Devon to Torbay are magnificent and are some compensation if your golf is not as good as hoped for.

The course was in fine condition and produced some interesting scores,as another society was also playing we had to play the course in reverse starting on the 10th hole and finishing on the 9th.The overall winner was Sir Charles(Charlie Way)with a super 38points.There were five players who scored 35points which caused a slight problem as this situation is normally resolved by countback with the player scoring most points on the back nine holes(10-18) being the winner.As we had played the course in reverse it was decided with an impromptu committee meeting that our back nine holes should be 1-9.

This resulted in 2nd place going to Magnum P.I.(Peter Foster) and 3rd place to Spaldy(Ian Spalding).
Nearest the pin on 8 Harry Smith (our newest and youngest R.O.G.S.member)
Nearest the pin on 11 Honest Price(Graeme Price)
Nearest the pin in two, Howlin (Julian Flower)
Longest Drive on 7 Magnum P.I.
Sir Charles was the only player to score a two(on the 3rd)and pocketed the two`s kitty to go with his prize of a bottle of 18year old Malt Whiskey for highest score.Well played Sir Charles!!!

An unfortunate incident was reported that whilst playing in a round of the Winter K.O.a member inadvertently touched the switch on his electric trolley when removing a club for his T shot and the trolley took off at full speed only to be stopped when it entered the `pond’ in front of the tee.That sure is one way of cleaning your clubs Wiff!!!

That incident reminded me of the old golfing story that shows the frustrations of playing the noble game, when reaching the 16th hole of a disastorous round a golfer was was confronted by a Tshot that needed to carry 180yards to clear the pond in front,having deposited all remaining balls in his bag into the water from the ‘T’ he walked to the ponds edge and threw his bag of clubs straight in and stalked off to the clubhouse.On realising his car keys were in his bag he returned and waded into the water and dragged the bag out,removed the keys and hurled the rest back in.
I’m sure many of us can relate to this feeling of desperation at some time in our golfing journey!!!

Our next meeting is on the24thApril at Knighton Heath Golf Club when we will be contesting the Whitbread Pairs Trophy, and I look forward to meeting everyone for the ‘T’off at 10:30.

 Doug. Marsh (Capt.)

GRS Trophey

Twenty two ROGS and one guest took to the fairways of Stoneham Golf Club to contest the G.R.S Trophy on what can only be described as a perfect day to play golf in winter conditions,cool chilly start then glorious sunshine.I hope the sunshine bit continues for the rest of the season!!! Needless to say not all of the golf was as glorious as the sunshine, with the usual tales of woe (I lost my ball after a perfect drive,my putts were struck on the right line but missed by fractions,I didn’t realise there was a ditch halfway down the fairway,the tree was sticking out further than I thought,etc,etc,) retold in the clubhouse to anyone who cared to listen.

The course at Stoneham is considered to be one of the best in Hampshire and is unusual in having 5 Par 5’s and5 Par 3’s and no two holes alike. It was built in 1908 in the old deer park of North Stoneham House and is an undulating beautiful parkland and heathland setting with views over the Itchen Valley towards Winchester. Stoneham is becoming a firm favourite with the R.O.G.S. because of the challenge of the course and the friendly ambience of the club.

Now for the results:

1st El Tel (Terry Petersen) 37pts
2nd Spaldy (Ian Spalding) 34 pts on countback
3rd Helmet( Roger Johns) m 34pts
Nearest the pin on the 8th Helmet
Nearest the pin on the 10th Brew (Shaun Brady)
Nearest the pin in 2 on the 5th Magnum P.I.(Peter Foster)
Longest Drive on the 18th Howlin (Julian Flower)
There was only one 2 on the day, so Brew walked off with not only the days kitty but also £26 carried over from the Cup of Good Cheer at Xmas!!! I think he’s putting it towards a new suit as he forgot his on Friday.

Now for anyone who does’nt play the noble game but understands that it is fraught with emotions of ecstasy and despair I share this little Ode that I came across:-

In my hand I hold a ball,white and dimpled ,rather small.
Oh how bland it does appear,this harmless looking little sphere.
By it’s size I could not guess,the awesome strength it does poses.
But since I fell beneath its spell,I’ve wandered through the fires of Hell.

My life has not been quite the same,since I chose to play this crazy game.
It rules my mind for hours on end, a fortune it has made me spend.
It has made me curse and made me cry, and hate myself and want to die.

It promises me a thing called Par,if I hit it straight and far.
To master such a tiny ball, should not be very hard at all.
But my desires the ball refuses, and does exactly what it chooses.
It hooks and slices, dribbles and dies, and disappears before my eyes.

Often it will have a whim, to hit a tree or take a swim.
With miles of grass on which to land,it finds a tiny patch of sand.
Then has me offering up my soul, if only it would find the hole.
It’s made me whimper like a pup, and swear that I will give it up,
and take a drink to ease my sorrow, but the ball knows

I’ll be back tomorrow.

Best Wishes to all
Doug Marsh