Dearest Rogettes,

I have pleasure in giving you the draw for the quarter finals of Ebsworth  Builders Matchplay Shield, drawn independently out of the hat by Mr John Ruskin!!

As per usual, first person out selects the venue….

Roger Johns (11) v Guy Storey (28)
Dean Merritt (14) v Simon Scott (25)
Russell French (28) v Geoff Adams (15)
Alan Lambert (27)  v Jamie Lake (26)

Please be aware these games need to be played and results with me by the  31st January, you can either ring me, text me, E Mail me, send  a carrier pigeon or smoke signals, however please let me know.

 Happy New Year, and good luck to you all!!

 Dean Merritt

Christmas Cup of Good Cheer

East Dorset Golf Club

 Torrential rain, freezing temperatures, yes the ROGS are playing golf again.  The extremes men will go to, to get out of Christmas shopping. It was thermals out, waders on and hip flask fully laden with that something special to give you that warm feeling inside. December typically brings the traditional Christmas fixture and brings down the curtain on another successful ROGS golfing season.

 Led superbly by Martin Debenham throughout 2008, the ROGS have continued to go from strength to strength, with membership up and record attendance from members at many of the monthly fixtures, Martin is handing over the captaincy with the Society stronger than in any other season. The captaincy has now been handed over to me and my able understudy Shaun ‘brew’ Brady. Martin will prove a hard act to follow, showing fantastic dedication, enthusiasm and organisation (not to say patience with some of us!). Thank you very much from all ROGS members for a memorable season.

 Traditional the Christmas fixture is played at Bulbury Golf Club.  This however was not to be the case as an early course inspection meant the course was unplayable and only suitable for marine wildlife. A course closing this late would normal mean certain panic and hysteria. It was time for the ROGS very own Fairy Godmother to work his magic. Guy ‘tinkerbell’ Storey within a flash of his wand and several hundred phone calls had us booked in and ready to tee off at East Dorset Golf Club. Over 30 Members turned out to brave the winter elements. Naturally, as so often happens at ROGS fixtures it wasn’t so much a case of tee to flag but tee to woodland, tee to lake, tee to sand or in the case of some, tee to ladies tee!. With both Stableford and a ROGS Ryder Cup matchplay format being played during the round competition was tense, notably between the Ryder Cup captains, led by the outgoing Captain, Martin ‘Faldo’ Debenham and incoming Captain, Julian ‘Azinger’ Flower. New Captain Flower choose a team with a mix of talents, a subtle blend of experience and old age, enthusiasm and drunk!  A team on paper that looked very good, and with 3 games to come in, Team Flower were 3 up and unbeatable. All that was needed was a half from any of the last 3 games to claim a deserved victory and bragging rights for the year. It was at this point the new inexperienced Captain made his first school boy error of his reign. On his third chorus of ‘We are the Champions’ all remaining games went against the Captain and the match ended in a tie! After several helpings of humble pie it was time to shake hands declare the match a draw and move on to the evening festivities. 

 In the evening, ROGS members were joined by family and friends for our presentation night, the night saw the formal presentation of all the seasons trophies, a raffle and disco accompanied by an extremely tasty Christmas lunch. The raffle raised a magnificent sum of £380.00 that will be donated to the Bere Regis Scouts and Youth Football Team. Many thanks to all the ROGS members and local businesses who kindly donated some great prizes allowing us to raise the sum we did. 

Congratulations to all the individual winners from today’s event.  Peter Foster and Graeme ‘pantsdown’ Price both won the nearest the pin prizes. Tich ‘wildthing’ White for winning the longest drive prize. Over £60 was in the kitty for the 2’s. 3 fortunate golfers shared the fortune, Robert Debenham, Peter Foster and Geoff ‘pottymouth’ Adams, and yes Geoff did not buy a drink with his winnings!

Pride of place on the day went to Graeme ‘ishouldbewearingamask’ Price who won the stableford competition with an incredible 48 points, closely followed by Simon ‘worm’ Scott and Dean ‘tiny’ Merritt.

 Although we highlight some of the humorous, less fortunate circumstances that fall upon us members whenever we venture onto the golf course, the past season has seen a sharp increase in scoring and overall improvement in the level of golf played, a high percentage of members have seen their handicap fall which is the aim of the game after all. Well done to all members who truly believe in the practise will one day make perfect principle… I look forward to reporting on our continued improvement next season.

Captain Flower

Came Down Golf Club

Friday 31st October-Zoom Trophy

Well the end is here, my last Report as Captain of ROGS. What a season with all the courses being in such lovely condition and very high member turnouts.

Came Down is very exposed and although it was dry and with some sunshine the wind was very cold so good excuse for not such good golf for some of us.

Winner of the day was Russell (Bobber) White with 37 points, in 2nd place was John Day with 36 points and 3rd was Roger Johns with 34 points.
The pot of 2s money gets carried forward to the Christmas game as there was no winners.
Nearest the pin on the 2nd was Doug (the new captain’s father in law) Marsh and he also took nearest the pin on the 10th.
Nearest the pin in 2 on the 17th was won by Charlie Way who was a guest for the day.
Longest Drive on 14th was won by Graeme Price.

Mike Crisford announced his retirement from the society at Came Down and will be missed from the lineout, good luck for the future Mike.

That only leaves me to say many thanks to all those that have supported me throughout the season and good luck for the coming year to my Vice, the incoming Captain, Julian Flower.  His new Vice Captain will be Shaun Brady, one of the longest standing members of the society.  

Just a brief reminder to all that we have our annual event on Saturday 13th December at Bulbury Woods Golf Club.  This is the usual Ryder Cup style matchplay competition between the teams of the incoming Captain, Julian Flower, and ex-Captain, Martin Debenham (now President).  The day will then be followed by the Christmas Dinner Dance and Presentation evening.  We look forward to seeing members and their guests for what promises to be the usual enjoyable and lively occasion.

Captain Debo

Tour 2008 Costa Brava

Friday 10th to Friday 17th October – Tourist Trophy

This year took us to Platja De’Aro on the Costa Brava.  Leaving from Bournemouth Airport and flying to Girona and with only a half hour transfer made for one of the best tours ever – it was smashing.

Our first game was on Saturday at Golf d’Aro Mas Nou, a beautiful course set up in the mountains with spectacular views and sheer drops if you missed the fairways.  Dean Merritt came in 1st with 30 points winning on count back over Jim Corbin leaving 3rd place to Russell (Bobber) White.

Sunday took us to Emporda where we played the Forest Course and as its name suggests most of the holes were lined with pine trees  – another stunning course.  A great win for Guy Storey here with 37 points, a big score on a tough course never played before. Another top three finish for Bobber coming in 2nd with 36 points and Mike Parker following in 3rd with 32 points.

The third game played on Wednesday was at Platja de Pals, another tree lined course.  Sadly, this was not so picturesque nor as well kept as the first two (in my opinion) but another good day’s golf with Jim Corbin making his play for the highest overall score with a 32 pointer giving him 1st place with John Johnson a new comer to the tour taking 2nd with 29 points.  John was followed by a dark horse and birthday boy Graeme Price with 27 points.

The last round played on Thursday took us to the most manicured and stunning PGA Golf de Catalunya, a European Tour qualifying course.  This is a must play in your lifetime course for the keener golfers.  Here the four highest scoring golfers go out last to battle it out with each other for the Tourist Trophy, Dean Merritt, Graeme Price, Jim Corbin and Bobber White with only a few points between them.   By the 18th tee Dean was left with a total of 112 points overall and Jim, Graeme and Bobber with 114 each, so all to play for.

With the last hole played it left myself in 3rd place, Dean Merritt in 2nd and Graeme Price taking 1st  on the day all with 30 points. 

Graeme Price took the Tourist Trophy with a best score overall of 118,  Jim Corbin was 2nd with 117 and Bobber White 3rd with116 points.

Well done to all and a big thanks to Guy Storey for all his hard work organising yet another brilliant tour – how great that he was able to be with us all this year.  Everybody is now looking forward to our 10th anniversary tour next year – somewhere exotic like Thailand again is looking promising!
Captain Debo

Crane Valley Golf Club

Friday 26th Aug – Rob Hall Hacker’s Trophy

Well the end is nigh – only one more month as Captain, can’t believe how quick it’s gone.
Crane Valley gave us another dry and somewhat sunny day with a turnout of 32 players and yet again we were welcomed with a course in superb condition. 

Dave Clunies Ross amazingly had his second win in succession with a 41 pointer after scoring 42 points at Salisbury and South Wilts last month, so the bad news is he lost 7 shots off his handicap in two months.
In 2nd spot with 38 points was Pete Cheesman and Tich White came in 3rd on a card count back with 37 points.

Nearest the pin on the 6th  was won by Dave Clunies Ross and on the 13th Mark Teed.
Nearest pin in two on the 7th was won by John Ruskin with a drive that came to about ten feet from the Green, so no surprises about his win.
Winner of the Longest Drive on 14th was Mark Teed.  Same old faces  – I think we’ll take away their drivers.
Only one winner of the 2’s, and that was one of our new members  – Paul Keeping.

My last month takes us to Came Down for the Zoom Trophy on 31st October where the first tee off is at 10.30 am.
I would also like to remind all members that the A.G.M. takes place on Wednesday 12th November 7.00 for 7.30 start at the Bere Regis Sports Club, food provided. 

Captain Debo

Salisbury and South Wilts Golf Club 

Friday 29th Aug – Presidents Cup

The breaking news this month was Russell (Bobber) White winning The Shaun Brady knockout Trophy, Beating Roger Johns at Ashley Woods Golf Club. It went to the 18th Hole with Bobber scoring 26 points on the back 9 holes, well done.

A rare sunny day greeted us at Salisbury and a course in beautiful condition and a good day had by all.  High scores were expected at Salisbury as last time we played there 48 points won the day and a 47 coming second but only the winner this time managed to get into the 40s with Dave Clunies-Ross scoring 42 points in second place was yours truly Captain Debo with 37 points and Tim Porter coming third with 37 points on a card play off.

Nearest the pin on the 8th was won by Dean Merritt and on the 18th by Rob Acey, nearest the pin in two on the 15th was taken by Graeme Price and Longest drive on the 10th was Dean Merritt.

You could almost call it Dean’s day as along with numerous others he managed to get 2 two’s taking a double share of the pot.

It was a treat for me as along with Guests Paul Keeping, Kevin Coetzee and Ray Twine my brother Robert came up from Devon to join us for the day. 

This month brought back Keith Nurrish who has been out for a while having new knees, so welcome back.        

September takes us to Crane Valley Golf Club for the Rob Hall Hacker’s Trophy.  Only two to go, where’s the year gone?
Captain Debo

Moors Valley Golf Club

Friday 25th July – Jim Corbin Cup

As I mentioned in my last report July 2008 marks our tenth anniversary of ROGS being born. The first meetings to discuss the forming of a Golf Society within the village took place at The Royal Oak in June and July 1998 when Mike Jones was landlord.

The first game was played at Bulbury Woods on Friday July 27 with Russell French, Ali Hewitt, Mike Jones, Rob Hall, Jim Corbin and Roger Duncanson playing for the Inaugral Trophy which later became The Landlords Trophy put up by Mike Jones, Roger Duncanson was the first winner with 27 points beating Jim Corbin on a card play off.

Ali Hewitt was voted as the first Captain and kept that role through 1999 and it was good to see him come and play with us again at Moors Valley.

Back to now though,  a dry and fairly sunny and warm day gave us a good day out with Gordon Tucker winning with a fantastic 42 points.  I played with him and he could not put a foot wrong,  –  well done Gordy. Second was Paul Ebsworth with 40 points and third was Brett Standerwick  with 39 points.
A lot of two’s this month with Doug Marsh, Pete Cheesman, Gordon Tucker, Mike Cristford and Simon (the worm) Scott sharing the Pot.
Nearest the pin on the 8th was Doug Marsh and on the 16th was Simon Scott
Nearest the pin in two on the 18th was won by yours truly, Captain Debo, who watched anxiously as the rest of the field came through hoping it would not get beaten.
Longest Drive was won by the Howling Julian ‘Vice’ Flower a regular winner of this event.
Our guests this month were Paul Keeping who came in with 37 points, Roy Francis with 28 points and Ali Hewitt with 25 points.

August takes us to Salisbury and South Wilts Golf Club for the Presidents Cup.

Captain Debo

Dunwood Manor Golf Club

 Friday 27th June – Landlords Cup

 June became a very special month for ROGS as Darren Parker a new member this year got the first hole in one in the history of the society and July is our tenth anniversary of the ROGS being formed.  It would be good if we didn’t have to wait so long for the next one, although I’m not sure Darren would want another as it cost him dearly, still back to the results of the rest of us mere mortals.

A big well done to Geoff Adams who came in first with 39 points leaving Darren Parker in second on count back, Rob Acey came in third with a very impressive 38 points.

Poor old John Spurdle dipped out on the 2’s sadly, as Darren obviously took the pot with his fantastic hole in one.  However, Darren would have also been the other 2’s winner so John would have still had to share the winnings.

Nearest the pin on the 5th went to Darren (the hole in one) Parker and on the 18th was Jim Corbin
Nearest the pin in two on the 13th went to Roger Duncanson and Longest Drive on the 9th was Mark Teed.

On this occasion, we were joined by Kevin Coetzee our village postmaster, as a guest of Roger Dunc.  We look forward to welcoming him again in the future. I would also like to take this opportunity to welcome Tony Armstrong who is now a full member of ROGS.

July’s game is at Moors Valley where we play for the Jim Corbin Cup.

Captain Debo


Semi Final draw was made at Dunwood Manor on Friday 27th June 2008. The Semi Final Matchplay draw was:

        Roger Johns V John Spurdle

        Darren Parker V Russel [Bobber] White

We already have one result from the above. Roger Johns beat John Spurdle 2 and 1 at Wareham on Thursday 3rd July. Roger Johns, I believe, has now reached the Final three years running!

Romsey Golf Club

Friday 30th May – Captains Cup

This month was the highlight of the year for me as Romsey hosted the Captain’s Cup.  This was the first time we have played the course and were we in for a treat – for me one of the best courses we have played and in fabulous condition considering we had some very heavy rain in the week leading up to it.  Not a long course but very tight.

Shaun Brady won the day with a superb 39 points and will have his name put on the Captain’s Cup board which hangs in the Sports Club, in second place was Brian Wiffen with 36 points and third was Brett Standerwick with 35 points.

 Nearest the pin on the 3rd was won by Darren Parker and on the 10th was won by John Johnson. Nearest the pin in two was won by Ian Jarred and Longest drive by Jim Corbin.

 I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Ian Jarred into ROGS as a full member now as we have just returned from our Mini Tour where he played his third game as a guest and on that subject I would like the give a big thanks on behalf of all who went and myself to Bobber for another great weekend of Golf and frolics – can’t wait till next year.

 June takes us to Dunwood Manor for the Landlord’s Cup another lovely course near Romsey.

 Captain Debo


When I started the weekend away tour back in 2003 we took 7 players down to Bowood in Cornwall, this year 2008 we took 30 players to the Marriott Meon Valley in Hampshire, to play for the Russell White Challenge Cup it’s certainly come a long way in 6 years and I’am very grateful to all the people who have supported the event over the years and I hope it will remain a popular fixture in the years to come. I would also like to welcome back Keith Nurrish who has been away from the rogs for a year after surgery, it was like he had never been away, his sense of direction to the nearest bar was as sharp as ever and his golf (um) moving on.

The weather over the weekend was fantastic as was the course its self a real challenge for everybody beautiful fairways slick greens and the odd pond or two to get over, the rooms at the Hotel were lovely with huge beds the food was on the hole good the only down side was the lack of bar staff who actually new what the were doing, but the rogs are made of stern stuff and we gamely drank our fair share of ale some a lot more than others, oh well back to the golf.

The winner on the first day with a great score of 38pts was Brett Standerwick closely followed by Paul Ebsworth with 37pts and third with 36pts came Geoff Adams some really good scoring on a unfamiliar course well done.

The second day seemed to arrive very quickly no sooner had we gone to bed it was time to get up for breakfast ( leaving the bar at 3.15am didn’t help some) but that’s another story . The winner on day two with a brilliant score of 40pts was our captain and defending champion Martin Debenham  followed by Pete Cheeseman 37pts and third went to the ever happy and vocal Jamie Lake with 34pts.

Sunday was upon us all to quickly and as usual on these tours the four leaders go out in the last group, we had Pete on 71pts Captain Debo on 69pts with Brett and Ebby on 68pts with four in front of them ranging from 66pts down to 63pts it was all to play for, after 9 holes Ebby and Pete fell away leaving Brett and Debo to battle it out over the closing holes, mean time Darren Parker was making a charge starting 7 pts back he was  playing very well but still had a lot to do to catch up, Brett had a 2pt lead going down the last it seemed that he would take first place but Martin never gave up and when Brett got himself stuck in a bunker Martin took his chance and went on to win and successfully defend his title he won last year at the Wiltshire the margin of victory was 1pt with Darren Parker 2pts behind a truelly marvellous match.

I must thank my caddie on the first day (Pricey) who was unable to play due to a cracked bone playing cricket, his place on the course was taken by our latest member Ian Jarred, and after spending a few days with the rogs if he still wants to come and play with us then he is truelly made of the right stuff and we welcome him, while all that was going on Dave Rushton won the last round with another excellent score of forty points and I just have to mention another remarkable score from a man who struggled to make double figures just a few seasons ago Russ French with score of 30pts unbelievable.

Treasurer & President
R. White ( Bobber )


1CAPTAIN DEBO294035104
3D . PARKER313437102
23CLUNIES ROSS29163176
24M. PARKER17233474

Wheathill Golf Club

 Friday 25th April – Whitbread Shield

 April took us to Wheathill for our yearly pairs competition and at last the spell was broken and it didn’t rain. Despite being one of the cheaper courses we found it in tip top condition and it was nice to have so many players say how much they enjoyed the day.

It was good to have Tony MacNamara and Ken Rideout as guests as it helped towards numbers which, unfortunately, were a bit on the low side.

The winners were Julian (Vice) Flower and Simon Scott with a massive 48 points winning on a card playoff over Graeme Price and Rob Parry. Darren Parker and Russ French came in third with 46 points.  Well done to all who took part – we only had one pair score below 40 and they achieved 39 points!

It turned out to be a bit of a Julian Flower day as he shared the two’s money with Mike Crisford and then went on to win the nearest the pin in 2 on the 4th and longest drive on the 9th with Chris Sumner winning nearest the pin on the 11th and Russ White on the 18th.

Our May meeting, which may well have been played by the time you read this report, is taking place at Romsey Golf Club, which by all accounts is a fabulous course and highly regarded by those who’ve played there previously.  We are hoping that the summer weather will have well and truly settled in and look forward to a great day.

Captain Debo

Dorset Golf and Country Club

 Friday 28th March – GRS Trophy

Well, what a turn out.   36 players in all, including guests. 

We were  welcomed at the Dorset course with bacon rolls and coffee and for the first time the society played 27 holes with the first 9 being a three club challenge. We were clearly going for a record again as, yes, it rained and not just the gentle spring rain, but a complete downpour! Although some members did give up and walked in (not being of sterner stuff) the majority of the field battled on.  Rob Parry won the challenge with a very respectful 21 points  –   well played Rob.

We then went back into the clubhouse for a very welcoming bangers and mash lunch which was much needed after battling the elements. The good news was as we were having lunch the rain went, and the sun came out so apart from the odd shower a dry round of golf was had by all.

Unfortunately we were missing Mr Price as I am reliably informed he had to go on a course to learn how to tie up his shoelace and evidently had to go the following Friday to learn how to do the other one.   We do hope he makes the next game and isn’t completely tied up in knots.

Julian, the proud dad of a baby girl, Flower, (I got the news the day of writing this) won the GRS Trophy with a massive 40 points playing off 8 with Mark Teed in 2nd on a count back over Roger Johns both with 32 points.
We ran the 2’s comp on both matches, so big pot.  There were no winners in the morning so it was carried over to the afternoon and there were three winners, Shaun Brady on the 4th Mike Speer on the 7th and Paul Ebsworth on the 17th. .   

On the Woodland 3 club challenge, guest Dave Wright won nearest the pin on the 22nd hole and Julian Flower on the 24th hole.

Julian,  the howling mad, Flower won the longest drive with a monster I am told, on the Lakeland course with Mike Speer winning nearest the pin and Chris Sumner taking nearest pin in 2 on the 18th.
 There was an overall prize for the highest Stableford score on 27 holes and that went to, you guessed it, Julian Flower   –  well done Vice.

April takes us to Wheathill Golf Club near Castle Cary, Somerset, where we play the Whitbread Shield pairs comp.

Captain Debo



This is in aid of the Cherries’ Respite Centre at Mount Pleasant in Weymouth.
Russell White has agreed to have a public chest wax of his substantial hairy chest to raise money to provide special events for special needs children.

The centre assists in providing parents and siblings the opportunity to enjoy a break from the responsibility of caring for their special needs child, which can be very demanding.  Also providing full time care for children who can no longer be cared for in their own family unit.
Your money will assist in giving these special children a chance to do things we all take for granted.  Visiting places such as The Sea Life Centre, Monkey World, Longleat Zoo and various theme parks. Swimming in the sea as well as public pools, sailing and outward-bound courses.

Please give generously.
The Cherries’ Respite Centre relies heavily on your donations to provide extra special days for these extra special children.

Contact: Julie (Loving Wife) 471020
Jan, Landlady – Royal Oak – 471203

ROGS’s 1st Golf day of 2008 to Barton-on-Sea Golf Club

 Friday 29th February – Members Challenge Cup

Well what can I say, unfortunately my first outing as Captain in 2008 was marred by some of the strongest winds and occasional driving rain that we have ever had to play in, bit of a shame as the course is one of the best.   I, as did others, found it difficult to find the island green on the 9th on the Needles course which was our concluding hole, My Vice, Julian the Howling Flower, put three balls in the water, so not an easy hole in the conditions.

The day was won by Chris Sumner with 35 points on a card playoff with Russell White and in 3rd place was John Ruskin with 34 points,  it was great to see Chris win as he was awarded the most improved player of 2007.  Well done Chris.

There were three players who shared the 2s money, myself (captain) John Johnson and Doug Marsh. Nearest the Pin on the 8th hole of the Becton was Tim Cheetham a guest of Roger Johns and on the 9th hole of the Needles it was Doug Marsh who played his last game as a guest of son-in-law Julian Flower.
Nearest the Pin in 2 on the 3rd hole of the Needles was won by Jim Corbin and Longest Drive on the 9th hole of the Becton was won by no other than Russell French.

We had 31 players turn out, six of which were guests, Tim Cheetham, Pete and Ian Macklin, Darren Parker, John Johnson and Doug Marsh.

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Darren Parker, John Johnson and Doug Marsh as new members of ROGS as they all played their 3rd rounds as guests at Barton-on-Sea.

Bobber, the hairless chest to be, White is doing a sponsored chest wax on Sunday the 23rd .March 2008 to raise money for Cherries’ Respite Centre in Weymouth which is the ROGS nominated charity of the year, so any player on a golf day throughout the this year who Blobs a hole will be asked to donate £1 per Blob up to a maximum of three in any one round, so please Blob generously (Captain’s 3 ball was a full house).

March takes us to The East Dorset Golf and Country Club where we are playing 27 holes. In the morning we will have 9 Holes round the Woodland which will consist of a 3 club challenge, one club must be a putter and there will be a prize for the player with the best stableford score,  Lunch and 18 holes round the Lakeland in the afternoon which we will play as our normal golf format but there will also be a prize for the best stableford score over 27 holes.

Hope to see as many Rogies and guests as possible and I will try for better weather

Captain Debo