The Zoom Trophy 2019

This was my last event as Captain and I would personally like to thank all ROGS for supporting me this year and of course the committee, who do a tireless job behind the scenes and sometimes centre stage.

With the prospect of bad weather we brought forward the starting times and took our chances!!!  This was a good decision.

32 ROGS and 3 guests set off in reasonable conditions but unfortunately mother nature had her way and drowned us for about 15 minutes. The Isle of Purbeck a tough track but despite the conditions there were some good scores (and some bad ones !!!!!)
Coming out on top was Brett Standerwick with 37 points well done Brett   2nd on countback with 35 points was Graeme Price and third Phil Allen with the same score

NP on the 4th  Terry Peterson

NP on the 9th Brett Standerwick

NP in 2 on the 18th Julian Flower

LD on the 14th Dan Callum

The best guest was Sean Keen with 28 points

There were 2 twos    Sir G  on the 11th   and Julian on the 9th

See you all at The Cup of Good Cheer for the Ryder Cup format with the new President (me) taking on the new Captain (Neil Middleditch). Looking forward to the day.

Captain Spalds

The Whitbread Pairs Cup 2019

20 ROGS dodged the showers and weaved their way around the barren fairways of Meyrick Park to compete in the Whitbread Pairs, some good scores emerged with Shaun Eastwood and Russell French coming out on top with 44 points. Full results as follows.

Shaun and Frenchie                                       44  points (42 points for Shaun)

Brett and Triston                                             43 points

Captain and Sir G                                           42 points

Fred and Bob                                                  41 points

Clappers and Julian                                       38 points

Doug and Clappers (Blind draw)                    36 points

Turps and Lakie                                              35  points

Beef and Pricey                                              34 points

Harry and Middlo                                            34 points

Paul and Guy                                                  25 points

NP  on the 12th                                              Shaun  Eastwood

NP  on the 10th                                              Captain

NP in two on the 13th                                     Harry Smith

LD  on the 6th                                                 Graeme  Price

There were two two’s                                     Julian and Triston.

See you all at the next meeting, 25th October 2019, Isle of Purbeck Golf Club for the Zoom Trophy Club 11:00 1st Tee. Please be there at 10am for the draw

Captain Spalds

The Ex Landlord’s Cup 2019

31 ROGS enjoyed a leisurely round of golf among the lakes, streams and fairways of Crane Valley Golf Club. The course was in good condition when we started, but probably a bit hacked afterwards.

Some good scores were achieved with just over half of the field with 30 points and over. Coming out on top was Sir G beating Brett Standerwick on countback with 38 points. Well done to Sir Geoff.  Third was Triston Gale with 37 points.

NP on the 6th was Middlo

NP on the 16th was Jim Corbin

NP in two on the 18th was Mark Teed

LD on the 14th was Josh Eastwood.

The Captain had the only two on the 6th. Thanks for the game!

A special mention and thanks to Teedy, who managed to get round the course whilst recovering from his broken leg, albeit in a buggy. Thanks Teed for sponsoring the day with some very appropriate prizes (Drink).

Again, without sounding boring, thanks to everybody who participated and dug deep to help the charity. Another very lucrative amount earned. Thanks again.

See you all at the next meeting, 27th September at Meyrick Park Golf Club for the Whitbread Pairs. 1st tee is at 11.58

Captain Spalds

The Captains Cup 2019

37 ROGS and 2 guests enjoyed wonderful weather while playing the rolling fairways of the home of golf, Ashley Wood. Some exceptional golf was played (Not by that many Ashley members though) as half the scores were over 30 and above. Coming out on top with a great score of 38 was Peter Cheeseman, well done Peter, second on countback was Neil Middleditch and third was Jamie Lake with 35 points.

NP  on the 7th  Dave Swift (guest)

NP on the 18th  Peter Cheeseman

NP in 2 on the 12th  Phil Allen

Straightest Drive on the 14th  Gordy Tucker

There were 5 twos.  Matt March  Graeme Price Phil Allen  Mark Teed  Peter Cheeseman

Best guest  Dave Swift   34 points

A little bit of fun ensued before and after the golf in the way of a putting competition. Julian Flower and the Captain took 4 lots of 5 balls to score a point!! This raised some good money towards my charity. All in all, the day raised over £300, putting the annual amount up to near £2,500. A massive thanks goes to all the ROGS for their never ending generosity.

After the ‘official’ putting comp, a few took part in an unofficial one. Tristan Gale sunk a massive putt, to see him start a lap of honour onto the 18th green!!

Since this game, Super ROGS played their annual cricket match against Bere Regis. The average ages of the 2 teams were quite a way apart. A big thanks goes to everybody for their support in putting this event on. All from chefs to participants. Although on Monday morning, the injury list was quite high. Turp had a scare, but thankfully he is OK and at this moment he is recovering well.

Oh and the cricket…. If you needed to ask, Bere Regis won in a deserved fashion.

See you all at the next meeting, 31st August (The last Friday of the month) at Crane Valley Golf Club. It is The Ex Landlord’s Cup (switched from May, due to the Ex Landlord (Teedy) not being able to attend that date, due to having to put some extra practice in for the high jump at the next Olympics).1st Tee is 12.00

Captain Spalds

The Presidents Cup 2019

32 ROGS  enjoyed baking sunshine while winding their way among the rolling fairways of Salisbury and South Wilts.  Such great golfers that out of 32 players no one managed to hit the 148 yard par three 18th !!!!

However there were some very good scores and coming out on top was Josh Eastwood with 37 points, well done to Josh. Second with 36 points was Callum Crompton and third was Michael Egan with 35 points.

NP on the 8th was Martin Debenham

NP in 2 on the 14th was Dean Merritt

LD on the 10th was Josh Eastwood

There were two 2’s and a rollover from West Moors.   Josh Eastwood and Bob Way each pocketing around £30

On the amusing side, there were 2 incident’s. Unfortunately, 1 involved me, which was the green goblin being launched further than it hit the ball. Must have been the sweaty palms that did that!!!

The 2nd involved our beloved Treasurer, Peter Cheese. Most of us are old enough to remember Fawlty Towers. If you recall the episode where Basil was thrashing his car with tree branches, as it was not performing. Well, Peter did the same to the lovely grass with his 15 wood. We were laughing as much as watching Basil himself. Not a good day for either of us.

Thank you to Dean Merritt for sponsoring the successful day.

Again the generosity of the ROGS is astounding, raising again sizeable lump for my charity with the sale of the 4balls. Many thanks.

Look forward to seeing all ROGs at the next venue on 27th July at Ashley Wood for my Captain’s Day 1st Tee 12.00.

The final word has to be that since our visit to Salisbury, the mighty ROGS played Wareham in a Ryder cup format. Peter Cheeseman is the Captain of Wareham, so he led their team. Super ROGS came out top by 15 to 10. Well done boys. It was another good day and again raised loadsa money for both our charities.

Captain Spalds 0000000

The Memorial Trophy 2019

28 ROGS enjoyed a pleasant afternoon strolling around the fairways of Moors Valley Golf Club. Fairways okay, Greens okay, although the changing rooms could have been a tad bigger. Maximum of 3 people per time !! swinging a cat comes to mind. 

We had a worthy winner with 41 points and that was Jim Goodey. Well done to Jim. Second was Kris (Mucker) Meehan with 39 points and third was Josh (beef) Eastwood with 37 points.

NP on the 4th Josh Eastwood

NP on the 12th Merrick Smith

NP in 2 on the 18th Terry Peterson

LD on the 7th Josh Eastwood

There were no “2’s” so it rolls over to Salisbury and South Wilts

Once again the 4 ball raffle was very well supported, so a big thanks to all.

See you all at the next venue, which will be at Salisbury & South Wilts 28th June, President’s Cup, 1st Tee time 12.32 pm.

Captain Spalds

The Jim Corbin Cup 2019

28 ROGS and one guest enjoyed being blown (not all the time) around the well-manicured fairways of  Bridport and West Dorset Golf Club on Friday the 26th April. The course was in excellent condition, hence we had over ten scores in the thirties. Coming out on top with a great score of 37 was Matt March, well done Matt. Second with 36 on countback was Josh Eastwood and Third was Triston Gale. It was good to get back to normality with our President playing after his sadly missed absence last month, although his score was only slightly better than last month!

1st tee time was 11.15 and up until that moment it was blowing a hooley and rain was plentiful. However, as predicted by the Captain rain would stop at 11.25am precisely and it did, so we were all spared wet pants.

NP on the 6th  Dean Merritt

NP on the 18th  Sam Allen (guest)

NP in 2 on the 8th Sam Allen

LD on the 15th Harry Smith

There were 4 twos. Dean Merritt and Phil Allen on the 6th.  Josh Eastwood on the 14th and Sam Allen on the 18th.

The average score for the day was 27.93, which is up by half a point on previous 2 courses, so it shows that the Super ROGS are getting better. OR was it an easier course…. Down to you to decide, even though I thought it was tough.

A big thank you to Jim Corbin for supplying the prizes this month. He even went back into pro shop to buy another 2 prizes. Thanks Jim and sorry you had to put up me Lakie and I on the day.

Thanks again for contributing to the 4 ball draw, which is seeing the charity fund increasing all the time, which is now in excess of £1,200.

See you all at the next venue, which will be at Moors Valley Golf Club, 31st May, 1st Tee time 1pm.

Captain Spalds

The GRS Trophy 2019

31 ROGS and three guests enjoyed the rolling fairways and water at Boundary Lakes on Friday 29th March. A cracking turnout again. A tricky test with some interesting greens but Josh Eastwood managed to overcome all the problems with a great score of 38, well done to Josh. Second on countback was Terry Peterson with 37 and Julian Flower 3rd on the same score.

Again, this was our 1st visit to this course and what looked on paper to be quite straightforward (If there is ever a straightforward golf course), it turned out not to be. The average score for the day was the same as Ferndown last month. The greens at Boundary were narrow and tricky and certainly no gimme’s.

There must be a special mention, as he doesn’t miss many, but there was a very sorely missed member this month, our President, Dean Merritt. Hope to see him at Bridport next time back with the ROGS to display his natural talent.

NP on the 2nd               Garry Miller

NP on the 18th               Colin Howe

NP in 2 on the 16th        Alan Millward – Our newest member.

LD on the 8th                Josh Eastwood

There were 6 twos, Matt March, Captain, Vice, Colin Howe, Phil Allen and Simon Brouard

The best guest was Sean Eastwood with 37 points. A very good day for the Eastwood family, well done to both.

A big thank you to Guy Storey for sponsoring the day, some good prizes. Please note the Captain did not drop the score cards this month or give 2nd & 3rd placed players to 4 different people. The home work has paid off.

Thanks again for contributing to the 4 ball draw, which is seeing the charity fund increasing all the time.

See you all at the next venue, which will be the Jim Corbin Cup at Bridport and West Dorset Golf Friday 26th April 1st tee time 11.15am.

Captain Spalds

The Members Challenge 2019

32 ROGS and one guest enjoyed the rolling fairways of Ferndown Golf Club. This event made history with the famous ROGS, as it was the 1st visit and hopefully not the last (If they allow us back again). It was indeed the 1st time played at Ferndown for a lot of our members and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. What a great turn out!

The day was sponsored by Graeme Price and I thank him very much for his generosity. Although, he could not enjoy the day as much as the rest of us, as he had to cut his round short after 3 holes due to a combination of footballing injuries and old age.

We had barmy temperatures of 12 degrees, some tricky greens, some patchy fairways but this did not deter us from providing some interesting scores. Coming out on top was Neil Middleditch with 37 points.

There were four people on 34 points and the trusty computer calculated that Matt Hector was 2nd and Captain was 3rd. ** NB – See below….

NP on the 2nd Simon Brouard

NP on the 14th was Phil Allen

NP in 2 on the 8th was Jerry Cocking (New member)

LD on the 6th was Phil Allen

There were three  “2” s    Simon, Rob and Jim.

The one guest Michael Egan had 23 points

Where Pricey failed on the golf course he excelled with the prizes. He surprised all, including me, by having a prize for every member of the ROGS. The prizes were interesting to say the least, as they ranged from Paw Patrol pyjama’s to coconuts from a whole cooked chicken to ladies earrings. A lot of thought went into this, and each member received the appropriate prize…

The awards ceremony went well, even though the Captain dropped the score cards and as they were mixed up presented the 2nd & 3rd place prizes to 4 different people. OOPS!!! It has been noted and I’m currently attending a course in how to hold cards.

Finally, a big thank you to all ROGS for contributing to the four ball prize draw, which raised a very good sum for my charity. Even though early in the season, we have raised almost £1,000 already. Thanks again.

See you all at the next venue, which again will be the 1st in ROGS history, Boundary Lakes (Ageas Bowl) Friday 29th March 1st tee time 11.30am

Captain Spalds